Spirit Tracks Puzzles to Challenge Long-time Fans!

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"One of our lead planners for the game is a programmer, so he has a different, more scientific or mathematical approach, so to say, to creating puzzles. Development team members, including [senior Nintendo developer] Mr. [Takashi] Tezuka and myself, actually got stuck in several places. So the dungeons and puzzles pose a different type of challenge than what we have utilized in previous games, and will certainly require longtime Zelda fans to approach each challenge differently. I believe that the latter half of the Tower of Spirits dungeon in The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks — [which] players will revisit throughout the game — has puzzles which require a different type of approach from those of previous games." - Eiji Aonuma, producer

So as you can see, Aonuma has stated that they took a different approach to the types of puzzles in Spirit Tracks. This might make long-time fans happy and create more of a challenge to gamers. Hopefully, this will create a game that has a harder difficulty and one that is not part of a series of progressively easier titles for the franchise.

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