Top Virtual Console Games!

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1 (1) – Super Mario Bros. 3
2 (2) – Super Mario Bros.
3 (3) – Super Mario Bros. 2
4 (4) – The Legend of Zelda
5 (5) – Super Mario World
6 (6) – Pac-Man
7 (9) – Punch-Out!!
8 (8) – Donkey Kong
9 (7) – Super Mario Kart
10 (10) – Final Fantasy
11 (12) – Super Mario 64
12 (11) – Kirby's Adventure
13 (14) – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
14 (13) – Galaga
15 (17) – Donkey Kong Country
16 (16) – The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
17 (15) – Excitebike
18 (20) – Mario Kart 64
19 (19) – Mario Bros.
20 (18) – Castlevania

So as you can see, three Zelda titles remains on the list. This is down one from recent months. Well, check back next week for the weekly Top Virtual Console Games.


Content from the Concealed Gaming Network