Iwata on the Importance of the Sounds in Zelda!

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Iwata: Well, to me… When I'm playing, and I think "Is it even possible to solve this puzzle?", and it's really giving me trouble, but then something gives me a brainstorm and I solve it, and " that The Legend of Zelda sound" plays… (laughs) When I hear that "You've solved the puzzle" sound, even though I had to work so hard on it, it makes me want to work on the next one right away. To me, that's the essence of The Legend of Zelda.

Aonuma: I think it's the same for us, too.

Iwamoto: Yes, it is.

Iwata: I see. (laughs) When you're developing it, and you're working so hard on it, and worrying over it, and you finally find the perfect way to do something, you hear that sound in your head.

Aonuma: Oh, we do. (laughs)

Iwamoto: It does. (laughs)

Aonuma: When things are really tough, and we come up with an answer right at the last minute, and we decide, "Hey, this is pretty good!", then we all…

Iwata: …hear that sound in our heads. (laughs)

All: (laugh)

Iwata: You know, that "The Legend of Zelda sound" might have left its mark in gaming history.

Aonuma: It sticks in your head.

Iwata: It really does.

: We're actually changing it, little by little, but we can't change it too much. If we changed it drastically, it would turn into something completely different, so…

Iwata: No, you absolutely mustn't change that. (laughs) Not that sound, and not the one that plays when you've opened a treasure chest and gotten something good.

Aonuma: You're right, we really can't change those. They're like a venerable restaurant's secret sauce (laugh). …And we've inherited them.

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