Miyamoto Mentions Skyward Sword, 3DS, and Other Information!

Home > Miyamoto Mentions Skyward Sword, 3DS, and Other Information!
Miyamoto's has recently spoken about a few things. Below you will find several quotes from him.

"I don't think the Wii is something that people need to graduate from. Of course, I am happy that motion is fashionable now. But when we make games, we are not trying to produce trendy products. It needs to be an experience that's meaningful, and the motion control needs to add something. So our new Zelda game takes motion control and adds something to the game to make you feel like you're part of the adventure. I think our rivals need to find what it is they have to offer that's new."

He also mentioned that the game was over "half complete" which means that information about it could come in the nearing future.

"What we are focused on is creating gameplay mechanics so the gameplay experience feels very dense. In fact, the overall experience is going to feel more dense. We hope that people will want to go back and replay the game once they finish it"

"What's really exciting (with the 3DS) is our new ability to have a sense of depth. Once you have the true 3D visual it becomes very clear where all the objects are on that space, so jumping on objects becomes easier. We've found that pulling the camera far back to observe the car racing works really well. But you must remember that we have been experimenting with 3D in one way or another for over 20 years. The 3DS is another opportunity to do even more."

"When I was young, I had a stereoscopic movie viewer thing, and I became fascinated by the images. Maybe you could have short 3D clips you can watch over and over again. It's well suited to a device like the 3DS. It is also technically possible to put a full 2-hour movie on there and watch it too."

But as Miyamoto said, "The thing is that I enjoy going to work so much that the only time I take for vacation is for my family's sake. Making and playing games for a living is such fun."


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