Miyamoto Talks About Vitality Sensor and Zelda!

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GamesTM: We understand that you won't be revealing specific details about the Vitality Sensor until later in the year but, as a videogame device, do you see it appealing more to traditional gamers or to the sort of consumers who would buy something like Wii Fit or Wii Music?

Miyamoto: You're entirely right that I cannot say anything about the Vitality Sensor right now. But, certainly, whenever we are going to use any new device it is possible to expand the appeal to those who are new to the videogaming world. At the same time, however, it is also fun to think of ways in which we might apply that new technology to existing forms of gameplay just like the way we are working on the new Legend Of Zelda together with Wii Motion Plus. So maybe you might like to ask me to incorporate the Vitality Sensor into Zelda so that as you become more scared, the enemies become even tougher.


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