New Parts Added to Forever!

Home > New Parts Added to Forever!
We left off at part 16 of our story Forever with our latest update to the fan work. Today, we have just added parts 17 and 18. Below is an excerpt from part 17:

The joy that shone from the Princess's face as the beautiful diamond ring was placed upon her finger once more was short lived. The date of the Hero's execution was growing nigh, and the lovers were becoming more and more desperate for answers. But try as they might, they could not find a way to set the Hero free. Now, the final night before the execution had donned upon them… and the Hero seemed to have lost all hope as he hung from those wretched restraints…waiting to say his final goodbyes to the Princess who had stolen his heart...

So, as always, if you enjoyed that excerpt then you can continue reading it here. Please check back for more updates.


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