Warren Spector on His Favorite Game and the Industry!

Home > Warren Spector on His Favorite Game and the Industry!
Below you will find a portion of a MCV interview with Warren Spector or otherwise known as the guy behind Epic Mickey.

MCV: What is your favourite ever game?

WS: That's an easy one for me, but I will have to give you two answers. My favourite narrative game is Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past on the SNES, although I have it and have played it on every platform its ever been on. My desert island game, if I could only play one game for the rest of my life, would absolutely be Tetris.

MCV: What disappoints you about the games industry today?

WS: I'm disappointed by the fact that we still focus solely on combat mechanics and rendering techniques, at the expense of other things we could be devoting energy and effort to. We could be focusing on non-combat AI and making conversation as compelling as fighting for a change. Wouldn't that be great? We could be focusing on making storytelling truly interactive. We just focus on prettier pictures and flashier graphics attached to more impressive combat scenarios, and honestly, that just bores me.

Warren Spector seems to have a good idea on his hands. A more interactive story would be a fantastic way to make more captivating games.


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