Skyward Sword - Item Usage Tidbits

Home > Skyward Sword - Item Usage Tidbits

While reading over an article, I found some interesting tidbits about how you can use items in Skyward Sword. You may recall out previous article about selecting items in Skyward Sward without an item screen where we find out about seamless item selection not effecting gameplay. This time, we have some information about how useful this will be in Skyward Sword. Check out the quotes below.

You can select items this time while moving Link.

And you can drink potion while running.


When an enemy is about to beat Link, you drink potion from a bottle in order to restore his hearts.


That scene was portrayed via cinematics-like moment while we stop gameplay through the previous title, but this time it fits in seamlessly, so, for example, if a boss is about to finish you off, you can run for your life and gulp down some potion to restore your health.

Awesome! This system is seeming more and more useful every time I see it in action or see it being talked about. So what do you think about being able to drink potion while dodging a boss attack?


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