Skyward Sword - Silent Realm Information

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Silent Realm Enemy

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The Silent Realm is a new area in the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword where the player has to play a game of 'tag' so to say. While in the Silent Realm, Link is unable to use his sword and shield -- leaving him unarmed. The goal is to find Sacred Tears in order to enter into a period where Link is safe from enemies.

Skyward Sword Silent Realm

The enemy seen in the screenshot above are what Link has to dodge while in the Silent Realm. You are safe as long as you do not let them find you. After being spotted, the game turns from being peacefully sneaking into a game of chase. The creature below will run after Link until you find a Sacred Tear, which will return you to a period of 'safe time'.

Silent Realm Enemy

We here at Link's Hideaway can not wait to play Skyward Sword and try out this new area for ourselves. Check out some quotes below.

Is it ok to assume that the Silent Realm is sort of a game of tag?

Yes. So that's why you can't use items like the sword and shield there.

Link is an unarmed hero.

That's right. The goal of this game is to collect Sacred Tears here and there around the game field. But if enemies find you, the world changes and Link has to run for his life. Link is unarmed, so he can't fight enemies. If he gets hit, that's the end.

That is like tag. And Dash comes into play.

Yes. I wanted to make something that switched back and forth in real time between still and active, like "I won't let enemies find me," and "Now that they've found me, I won't let them catch me". Once you get a Sacred Tear, a period of safe time begins, so you think about the order you will get the Sacred Tear, or, in the worst case, you plan for when an enemy will find you and purposely leave a Sacred Tear that's easy to get. There's a strategic element. You can say the same thing with the game of tag in real life, but those that know the landscape better has an advantage.

I see, that's why it's so important to use fields the player have been to before.


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