What?!? My Shield Broke?!?

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Skyward Sword Shield

The shield has been a staple in the Zelda franchise since the beginning and it returns in style for the upcoming title: the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. There are several new aspects to the shield in Skyward Sword including a new gauge, which if it becomes depleted causes the shield to break.

When the gauge is completely depleted, the Shield shatters.

Skyward Sword Shield

Another new property that the shield possesses -- the Shield Attack -- will prove to be useful in various situations. The Shield Attack allows the player to thrust the shield towards the opponent, harming him or blocking attacks possibly. The player must keep in mind the 'shield gauge' while performing said attacks or else they risk breaking the shield.

But there's a problem. If you could do a Shield Attack without any risk, Link would be too strong. For that reason, if you don't do it right, the Shield's gauge runs down.

While the shield was not used extensively in other titles, the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword changes all of this. The shield gauge, shield attack, and being able to break the shield should provide the player with many new gameplay possibilities as well as opportunities. Check out some quotes below for a possible detail or two that has not been mentioned.

Yes. Then one day, when Miyamoto-san was fighting during a test-play, that series of attacks came and he defended with his shield. That is, of course, one correct action, but the strength of the attack hadn't been adjusted yet, so there was a kawham! and the Shield broke. Miyamoto-san was stunned and said, "My shield…" (laughs)


You're supposed to fight with your eyes on your opponent, but while we were watching, something unexpected happened. A chill settled over the room.

I think I sort of wanted to see that reaction. (laughs) The Shield wasn't originally something that breaks, but this time it does.


Why did you make the Shield breakable?

This time, we talked with Miyamoto-san about the Shield as much as Link's sword and put in gameplay suited to swordfights. There's an action called Shield Attack. For example, when it looks like an enemy is going to beat you, if you hold out your left hand, which holds the Nunchuk, you can attack with the Shield.

You control intuitively as if you really have a shield on your left arm, so it feels awesome when your Shield Attack is effective.

The onscreen movement matches how your body feels.

Exactly. Your two hands synchronize with Link holding his sword in his right and his shield with his left. And when you take an attack from an enemy and think "Uh-oh!" you can thrust with your shield and turn an ugly situation into a good opportunity.

But there's a problem. If you could do a Shield Attack without any risk, Link would be too strong. For that reason, if you don't do it right, the Shield's gauge runs down.

When the gauge is completely depleted, the Shield shatters.

At that time, we had exaggerated the force of the attacks to test gameplay surrounding Shield Attacks.

Aha. That's why Miyamoto-san's shield broke. (laughs) But the first time we talked, we talked about how, in that fight against Ghirahim, it would be effective to stop the sword and attack by tricking him.

So what do you think about the new and improved shield of Skyward Sword? Do you think it will prove to be useful or just become an annoyance?


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