A Brief History Behind Fi

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Skyward Sword Fi History

In the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Link has a sidekick that has yet to make an appearance in any other game but provides similar advice and information that Navi did from Ocarina of Time 3D but how did Fi come to tuition in Link's next adventure? Check out some quotes below for the answers.

How did that trusty aide named Fi come about?

A sidekick is necessary in the Legend of Zelda series.

In a game where you do so much, I suppose it is asking a little much to expect the players to figure everything out and discover everything on their own without a sidekick.

And Link doesn't talk, so Fi was absolutely necessary to represent Link's emotions and explain the vast world of the game. And while keeping her function as a sidekick, we made her to be a character with personality like never before so she would mesh with the script.

When Link calls forth Fi, she offers hints and advice.


While there is nothing new in terms of Skyward Sword news, you can get an idea behind the direction the development team took with creating Fi. Do you think that Fi will become as infamous as Navi? Or do you think Fi will become the definition of sidekick?


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