Skyward Sword -- First Impressions

Home > Skyward Sword -- First Impressions
Hello everyone, before my short little article about my first impressions (as small as they may be) I hope you are all enjoying your copy of Skyward Sword. I sure am, the only issue is finding out how to play all 100 hours before Christmas. I'm very busy with everything that I have to do right now, including (but not limited to) Link's Hideaway. I've been doing so much work behind the scenes! It's very hard to do it all in a timely manner, and I'm thankful that Autydi is allowing me to use all of the time I have available for Link's Hideaway, as sparse as it may be. You will like what we reveal in the upcoming months! Anyhow, onto my first impressions!

I love pictures and all, but I'm not at all far enough to show any diversity of images in this post. I just now made it to the entrance of the Skyview Temple. I'm attempting to use my time wisely, and I'm far behind anyone else who has gotten the game. The basic graphics and controls look nice, and I love the interface option that allows you to hide the controls. For now, I'm using the "Light" Interface which prompts certain buttons when available and always shows the D-Pad and -/+ buttons.

I spent a good two hours roaming Skyloft and enjoying the beautiful art styles as well as the character voices used in the game. Zelda's voice along with the harp playing made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I loved it. This leads me to the music. Like a few previous Zelda titles, I was not immediately engulfed in music I could listen to for hours. Skyloft's theme slowly but shortly dragged me in and I soon loved it. I spent a good two hours venturing thorough Skyloft and the Bazaar. If you haven't already noticed, the music playing in the Bazaar changes near each small shop. I found this to be increasingly amusing and it helps bring out the characteristics of each shop owner.

One thing I keep finding myself thinking about is Fi. This reminds me of how Skyward Sword and The Minish Cap are allegedly the earliest games in the series (as stated via Nintendo, not a timeline theory) and contain advanced technology beyond any of the games that are said to follow. Earlier I met Gorok the Goron who explained how (possible spoilers if you have not met the Kikwi yet) the Goddess created the sky lands and they grew to be far more advanced. I'm only so far in the game, so we all have to wait and see how this plays out.

In summary (so far) Skyward Sword is looking to span well over 50 hours for me, and is not for the simple minded. I'm not far past simple minded, but I'm also playing with as little hints as possible. This game has an incredibly steep learning curve and I find myself missing some great action opportunities (I always forget how to use the "Final Blow"). Other than learning something new, Skyward Sword has too many great things going for it to be anything less than bliss for me. The sad part is, I'm only scratching the surface of what I feel is the entire game.

I don't particularly care for pro's and con's, but here are some if you like them.

Pro's: Great music and design, I could play this game over and over if there wasn't so much to do.

Con's: I could care less for the flying controls, and the 1:1 sword swing ratio has some issues. Those issues are me, since I'm entirely used to Twilight Princess and the simple little slashes. I'm slowly learning and that means the cons listed here won't last long.

Thanks for reading! I plan to post more if you all like what I have to say. Comment or let us know on Facebook!

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