1up: Ten New Things in Skyward Sword

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Ten New Things in Skyward Sword

1up has released an article detailing what they believe are the ten new things in Skyward Sword that will make the game exciting. Here are the top three:

1. Motion controls

This is a big one, isn't it? The use of Wii motion isn't completely new to the series, but the way they've been integrated here is radically different -- and better -- than the simplistic waggle of Twilight Princess. Sure, it seemed pretty novel to pretend to swing a sword five years ago, but once the newness wore off it didn't bring much to the game besides the occasional flurry of motion when tackling a big bad guy. Skyward Sword's Wii Motion Plus support is completely different, not only because of its precision but also because -- unlike Twilight Princess -- the game was built around the technology from the ground up.

2. A true central hub

The town of Skyloft is unusual for the Zelda games in that it seems likely to serve as a genuine hub for the duration of the adventure. Previous titles have featured large central cities, such as Twilight Princess' Castle Town, but none of them have been designed to serve as such a clearly designated base of operations for the entire adventure (the sole exception being Clock Town in Majora's Mask, a game that broke a lot of rules for the series). Skyloft is a first for a traditional Zelda game, and Link constantly returns to his hometown, unlocking new features and areas as he grows in power and abilities. The investment Nintendo has poured into Skyloft's design and inhabitants definitely reinforces the game's Wind Waker vibe.

3. A crafting system

One essential role that Skyloft plays is in playing host to a forge where Link can enhance his items and equipment. By gathering various consumable items throughout the quest, you can improve shields, potions, and more. Crafting is hardly a new addition to video games, and the system in play here is mercifully less involved than in something like World of Warcraft or Dragon Quest IX -- it's more an optional bonus for thorough players than a mandatory timesink.

Skyward Sword

Now I can not wait to try out all three of these things, especially the crafting system. What are your thoughts? You can check out the full list over at the source link.


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