Seek Out The Master Sword In Toronto's New Treasure Hunt

Home > Seek Out The Master Sword In Toronto's New Treasure Hunt

Skyward Sword Toronto

Examiner has recently announced a treasure or scavenger hunt so to say in anticipation for the upcoming release of Skyward Sword. So if you live around Toronto, check out some details below or at the source link.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will soon be available from Nintendo for the Wii console, but have you the courage to step up and challenge the evil Lord Ghirahim before the time foretold in prophecy?

If you wish to step up to the challenge before November 20th, then you will need to seek out the legendary Master Sword (pictured). There, you will find a special QR code which can be scanned with a program on your intelligent mobile communications apparatus (i.e. smart phone), revealing the details of where your quest will take you next.


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