Fan Story: The Legend of Terra - Chapter 1

Home > Fan Story: The Legend of Terra - Chapter 1

The Legend of Terra

We have chapter 1 of The Legend of Terra for you all to enjoy and check out today. Check out an excerpt from Chapter 1 below:

Terra's eyes snapped open. Her room was already full of light flowing in from one of the open windows of her chamber in the castle. She knew what today was, the first day of summer. Leaping out of her bed she quickly drew back the balcony curtains to her room, letting the golden afternoon light fill her once shadowed chamber. The warm and bright rays reflected off the mirrors and the royal purple tapestries that adorned her room in Hyrule Castle, creating a comforting ambience which Terra enjoyed.

Check out the full Legend of Terra Chapter 1 here and remember to check back for more parts soon!


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