Home > Hyrule Historia: Zelda Timeline Revealed [RUMOR]

Hyrule Historia revealed the Zelda timeline after many years of waiting. This book is published by Nintendo themselves. This is marked as rumor for now because the book is in Japanese and the following order is said to come from the book. Confirmation will be made once an official translation of the book comes state-side or to another English region such as Europe. The supposed timeline is below:
Skyward Sword
Minish Cap
Four Swords
Ocarina of Time (Split in to three time lines)
A: Where the Hero of Time fails
B: Where the Hero of Time Wins (sent back 7 years)
C: Where the Hero of Time Wins (present)
Link to the Past
Oracle of Seasons / Oracle of Ages
Link's Awakening
The Legend of Zelda
Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Majora's Mask
Twilight Princess
Four Swords Adventures
The Wind Waker
Phantom Hourglass
Spirit Tracks