Fan Story: The Legend of Terra - Chapter 2

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Legend of Terra Chapter 2

We have Chapter 2 of the Legend of Terra for you to enjoy today. The story is written by Mr. Watch and is a great read. Check out an excerpt of Chapter 2 below.

Hyrule Field

The sun was high in the blue sky as Terra made her way along the beaten and dusty dirt path that led to the Kokiri Forest. She could feel the warmth of the glowing orb above her touching the dark cloak. The entire field around her appeared to be in full bloom. Flowers and other plants were bursting with reds, yellows, purples, too many other colors for Terra to count.

She walked on the path for some time eventually arriving to the edge of the great forest. Traveling on the earthen path on the edge of the tree line Terra stopped for a moment to observe and take in her beautiful surroundings. Turning to look behind her, she saw on the horizon the great grey stone outer walls of Hyrule Castle, her home, the place she grew up, and really the only place she really knew. And when she looked forward in front of her was the vast Kokiri Forest, home of the forest children and the Great Deku Tree, the forest protective spirit.

Staring on into the field she saw the great plain the Hylian people called Hyrule Field. It was an enormous grassy expanse, lush and green and full of life. Terra could see the grass sway back and forth, pushed by the gentle breeze at rolled across the plain, almost like waves of an ocean. The breeze carried with it a familiar smell, one of summer flowers, fresh air, and vigorous life. The scent could be smelled all the way across Hyrule, and it was something Terra enjoyed, especially in the summer when the smell was at its peak.

Liked that excerpt? Then check out the full Chapter 2 here.


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