Home > Music: Its Meaningful Marvels in Zelda

Zelda, the game is full of life, love, and story. Everything is drawn beautifully and majestically. There's only one thing that could help this game be any better - music. Music is definitely the single most important part of a Zelda game. Don't believe me? Then read this article to find out, and if you do believe me, well then read this article for fun!
First of all, the music is what keeps all of the boring bits interesting, as if there are any boring bits in a Zelda game, well, maybe the endless fetch-quests...I'm looking at you, Skyward Sword. Besides my seeming endless hate for Skyward Sword, though I loved it, the music in Zelda games helps you when you're trying to get from place to place. Think of Wind Waker. There's this humungous ocean spread out before you, and the only thing to keep you awake while crossing it, is the music...and enemies, and storms, and a few other things, but mostly the music. The music really gives this fantastic sense of adventure, and is just the most enjoyable thing to hear when crossing the ocean.
Take this music away, and suddenly you're left with a barren empty ocean that has a couple waves, screeching birds, enemies and other stuff. Also, while I definitely don't consider dungeons boring bits, dungeons are my favorite part of the games, the music in the dungeons really set the mood and tone. If it's meant to be a creepy dark dungeon, then obviously you need some creepy dark music to convey that. If you had some happy flowery music like, oh I don't know, the Outset Island theme rather than the Ocarina of Time Fire Temple v1.0 theme, well then you just don't get the same effect. All in all, the themes for a certain place really help you get through it, and keep you on your toes while making sure there's never a dull moment.
Secondly, music can help you know where you are. This isn't just an "Oh, the overworld theme is playing, therefore I must be in the overworld," type deal, this is more of judging by the way the music sounds. Like was previously mentioned, a dark and scary place would more than likely have a dark and scary theme. You're not going to put Kotake and Koume's theme for something like Goron City. It just doesn't fit, because it would make you think the entire city is about to roll down and hit you...well some of them do, but it's all in good fun. Even in Minish Cap, when you're going into the Minish Woods for the first time, you're greeted with this theme that is slightly welcoming, but more mysterious and questioning. This theme lets you know that these woods are full of secrets, but they welcome you for now, and to come back later to figure them all out. Of course it's up to the game designers and music composers to try to convey this these motions to you.
Finally, when you're listening to the music in a game, it's more than just music, it's reflection of the characters and the world around you. If the character is more country, you'll most likely hear some banjos in the score, similarly, in The Legend of Zelda, when you encounter Princess Zelda, she always has a theme that reflects who she currently is. In Skyward Sword, her theme has a harp in the background, just like how in Ocarina of Time, her theme's main instrument is an Ocarina, because it belonged to her.
In conclusion, music in The Legend of Zelda is everywhere. While quite a few of the key themes have been the same since 1986, why change what isn't broken? The music has always reflected everything it has needed to in the franchise, and we like it that way. Even in Skyward Sword it was able to reflect the current situation of the game. Without the music, the games would not have the emotional feelings that it has, or the sense of adventure. Next time you pick up a Zelda game, be sure to listen to the music, and get lost in the land of Hyrule. (Or Termina, or Skyloft, or Koholint Island, or whatever land you happen to be in.)
About the Author:
Christopher Weil
The 2006 Time Magazine person of the year, born in Toronto, Canada, Christopher developed a passion for gaming at a young age. His favorite franchise has always been The Legend of Zelda, but he can also usually be found playing SimRacing games such as iRacing. He's in university studying mechanical engineering and looking to start his own 3D printing business.