Home > ZI Interview with Jeron Moore

Zelda Informer recently had an interview with the producer of the Symphony of the Godesses, Jeron Moore, about Zelda and the concert itself. Check out a snippet after the break!
CM: How did you get chosen for Symphony of the Goddesses?
JM: I got chosen, but it wasn't because I just got chosen out of the blue. I pitched the idea. It was something that I really wanted to do and I was already associated with another concert series with Mr. Paul entitled PLAY! A Video Game Symphony. We already had an established relationship with Nintendo with that concert. I had always wanted to do a Zelda concert. I'd been nagging Jason Paul about it for a while, and I eventually was just like, "Look, this is what we need to do,"Â and he was like "Okay! Put it together. Put the pitch together, put the pitch together! We'll take it to Nintendo."Â
And so, I hunkered down with my buddy Chad [Seiter]. We put in a lot of time and energy and just countless hours into how to refine this and make it the quintessential experience. We focused on what was important and pulled it together, presented that concept to Nintendo, and they were like, "This is great, but we want to do this first,"Â and that was the 25th Anniversary Symphony. So we put that together, and then we introduced Symphony of the Goddesses.
[. . .]
KL: Am I allowed to ask a question? Jeron, what are your feelings on Wind Waker?
JM: Wind Waker is an amazing, revolutionary Zelda title. It deserves a place on the shelf with the best of them. It ties in with the mythology of the franchise remarkably well. I love all of the references to Ocarina of Time. There's nothing like going into Hyrule Castle down where you get the Master Sword, and seeing all those stained glass windows and all the sages, and just kind of soaking in the history and seeing that it actually goes a little deeper than what you probably thought. And of course, that is just the ultimate tease, and what gave birth to a lot of the conjecture and theories and infighting within the community on this timeline or that timeline. No one really guessed that there were three.
Anyway, the music in the game was phenomenal. I remember seeing the trailers and hearing the Great Ocean theme, which the trailer version, the demo track at the end of the 2-disc soundtrack is the Ocean theme with the main Legend of Zelda theme worked into it. *imitates it*
CM: I loved it when they did that, and they don't do it as much anymore.
You can check out the full interview here, it is quite the interview!