Home > Zelda Live Stream For Charity - The Marathon Man
![Zelda Live Stream For Charity](//filemanager.linkshideaway.com/staff_files/autydi/marathon-man-live-stream.png)
The good people behind The Marathon Man are holding a Live Stream on December 27th through December 31st to raise funds for the Autism Research Institute. The stream will focus on several Zelda games such as Skyward Sword. Check after the break for more details from them.
Hey there at Link's Hideaway!
My name is William O'Brien and I am the founder of a charity marathoning group known as the Marathon Man.
We hold biannual, livestreamed video game marathons in order to benefit charity organizations. We have held two in the past; one in December 2011 and another in June 2012 and have raised over $10,000 so far for various charities.
Our next marathon is featuring all of the Legend of Zelda games and will begin at 2:00 PM on December 27th and end on December 31st at the same time. It will benefit the Autism Research Institute.
You gave us a shout out in one of your news posts last time, and we were hoping if you'd afford us the same opportunity again!
Thank you so much for your time,
William O'Brien
About the Author:
Austin Dickson
Austin Dickson has been around the Zelda fandom for years. He started Link's Hideaway as a small personal project, which later turned into something of which he never thought possible. He enjoys writing articles, guides, walkthroughs, and developing the different Concealed Gaming network sites.