Fan Story: The Legend of Terra - Chapter 3

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Legend of Terra Chapter 3

We have Chapter 3 of Legend of Terra for you to enjoy today. This story is written by Mr Watch. Check out an excerpt of Chapter 3 below:

Kokiri Forest, a few minutes before nightfall.

Terra let out deep breath as she finished the last notes of The Song of Healing. The Kokiri children began to clap wildly, and cheer for the Hylian princess, who humbly smiled and bowed for the audience of children. The kids started to dance around attempting to sing The Song of Healing just as Terra did; sadly most of them were off pitch or not even singing the correct song.

Saria smiled up at the Hylian girl who sat above her. "That's really a beautiful song." Saria chirped "Did your father say exactly where he learned it?"

"Sadly no, I would've liked to meet the person who created it; it's by far my favorite piece or music to sing. It just…Makes me feel...Well…It makes me feel whole. It's like a new life swells up inside me whenever I sing it." Terra replied gleefully look down to the Green haired Kokiri girl with a wide grin.

"That's great!" Saria replied. "But hey, I think your dad wants us to get a move on; I think we may have stayed just a bit too long." She pointed up to the sky which was already going dark orange, showing signs of the fast approaching night.

Terra looked up at the sky; the sun was already beginning to set, and sighed. "I guess…Come on, let's go Saria." She got up, followed closely by her forest companion, the Kokiri Saria.

Did you enjoy the excerpt? Now, check out the full Chapter 3 here.


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