Our favorite silent protagonist has no problem finding dangerous tasks to complete in the ever in peril kingdom of Hyrule, but what does Link do when he's not saving Princess Zelda, or dueling with Ganondorf? Find out after the break.

Open Mic Night
Link can play a mean ocarina (or spirit flute depending on which game you play). Unfortunately, rock musicians and women across the world got together a long time ago and decided that ocarinas neither rock, nor allow you to get a date with a girl, so Link is doomed to playing only at open mic nights to drunken Hylian patrons yelling, "Freedbird!"

Playing Pranks on Navi
"Hey! Listen!" That little phrase fails to be cute after the 10th time she says it, and begins to induce horrid fantasies of slicing Navi in two after about the 127th time she says it. He may have needed her guidance to save the day, but on his day off Link likes to play as many pranks on this nagging little fairy as he can to satisfy his need to get even!

Cutting Lawns
Either Hyrule has a rather unruly grass problem, or no one in the entire kingdom knows how to work a lawn mower. A normal person might just see the whole country as lazy, but Link just sees it as an opportunity to make a few extra rupees. Besides, it's the only way he can make some extra cash to pay for all those pots he goes around recklessly shattering.

Chilling in the Fairie Fountain
Link has the hook up to the best spa in all of Hyrule, the Fairy Fountains. You can bet when trouble isn't afoot in Hyrule, Link is kicking back with a lemonade and hitting on the Great Fairy while he replenishes his hearts.

Avoiding Princess Zelda
Zelda is one of the craziest chicks to have as a girlfriend. She really only seems to be interested in Link when he's nearly getting himself killed in perilous dungeons, or fetching rare and mystical items. She spends most of her time cooking up insane errands for him to run and bumping into her on a day off just means that he'll probably have to travel to some deathtrap forest filled with man-eating plants, all for a magical thimble (or something ridiculous like that). On the chance occasion Hyrule isn't on one of its doomsday cycles, Link is probably keeping as much distance between him and that crazy princess as he can.

When he's not backing Link up on the mandolin during open mic night, Ryan Heuer is a writer for HalloweenCostumes.com. Click here to check out all of the costumes and accessories you need to be Link for a day.