Fan Story: The Story of Ganondorf (Revised) By Wolf

Home > Fan Story: The Story of Ganondorf (Revised) By Wolf

UPDATE: Story of Ganondorf

Our exclusive fan work - The Story of Ganondorf - has received revisions from part 1 up to part 8. The revisions include a new plot that consists of new parts as well as other parts being removed. Updates to the story will come in the very near future so check back often. Catch an excerpt after the break.

Gerudo Valley, a dry desolate place closed in on one side by a desert and on the other a world the inhabitants could care less about. Today was a special day for within the walls of the desert fortress a miracle was taking place… the birth of a child. Nabooru, the leader of the Gerudo thieves was by the bedside of Hashmura the woman giving birth, the strange thing about this birth was, there was no father. The woman was praying for a child since she first arrived here and she had been blessed.

The room which was made into a makeshift medical wing was the room of Hashmura herself. This was the custom amongst the thieves who had to deliver children. From the dry beige brickwork to the twin cot made of straw and brick the room was prepared for the delivery.

About the Author: Austin Dickson

Austin Dickson has been around the Zelda fandom for years. He started Link's Hideaway as a small personal project, which later turned into something of which he never thought possible. He enjoys writing articles, guides, walkthroughs, and developing the different Concealed Gaming network sites.

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