Fan Story: Ember by Starr

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Fan Story: Ember by Starr

Today we bring you a new fan story submitted to us by a reader name Starr. The story is entitled Ember and we have part 1 for you to read today. Check out an excerpt after the break.

Nabooru groaned quietly. The warm desert sun came in through the window. Today the sun was seeing the birth of a new child. Still Nabooru wasn't intrested. She had overseen the birth of so many children, and they were all the same, girls. She yawned quietly, then looked over her shoulder. Nabooru would much rather see Ganondorf, or even Link. The mother held her new baby, smiling. The nurses were starting to panic.

The mother uttered one word, "Ember..." then her eyes closed.

"What?" Nabooru glanced at the nurses.

"She's...she's gone...." the doctor said quietly.

"The baby is your's now." one of the nurses hands Nabooru Ember.

Nabooru cradles Ember, humming a lullaby. The child opens her eyes. One was blue, the other was silver. She didn't look like any other Gerudo Nabooru had seen. Ember's hair wasn't red, it was black. She almost didn't look like a Gerudo.

Check out all of Part 1 to Ember here.

About the Author: Austin Dickson

Austin Dickson has been around the Zelda fandom for years. He started Link's Hideaway as a small personal project, which later turned into something of which he never thought possible. He enjoys writing articles, guides, walkthroughs, and developing the different Concealed Gaming network sites.

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