Fan Story: The Story of Ganondorf Part 11

Home > Fan Story: The Story of Ganondorf Part 11

The Story of Ganondorf

LH exclusive fan work - The Story of Ganondorf - has been updated with Part 11, which picks up where Part 10 ended. The story is written by staff member Wolf and takes the reader through the life of Ganondorf. Check out an excerpt from Part 11 after the break.

Sleep did not find him easily for his rest was tortured with nightmares; one that lasted an eternity was a horrid nightmare of The King of Hyrule hanging by his neck in front of the Gerudo fortress. He saw himself standing near the corpse of the slain king and on top of his head rested the crown of the Royal Family... he woke with a start as the Ganondorf of his dream made eye contact with him... Cold sweat beaded his entire body, he felt so real... so alive. "It was... just a dream... that's all... get a hold of yourself Ganondorf... it was just a dream..." he said this until his tired body found the comfort of sleep once more.

The dawn treaded quickly for the tired soul, his eyes adjusted slowly as did his heart. Ganondorf rose from his bed careful not to wake his lover and walked to the window. "Today is the day..." he said, his fear was noticeable underneath the firmness of his words. Nabooru shifted on the bed and he turned quickly to see if she was okay, upon seeing that she was he walked to the chamber door and with a heave of breath, stepped out into the world.

Do you like the excerpt? Well, then check out the full Part 11 here.

About the Author: Austin Dickson

Austin Dickson has been around the Zelda fandom for years. He started Link's Hideaway as a small personal project, which later turned into something of which he never thought possible. He enjoys writing articles, guides, walkthroughs, and developing the different Concealed Gaming network sites.

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