You can see new artwork for Zelda Wii U above. It came via email from NoA alongside some of their E3 2016 plans. They have a variety of different activities planned for the show and Zelda will have ...
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We learned about Nintendo's Zelda E3 2016 plans a month ago and now they have updated their E3 site, which reconfirmed their focus on Zelda Wii U this E3 in June. It details the schedule, with Treeh...
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Zelda Wii U has been delayed once more. We have been waiting ever since the original 2015 release schedule. It got delayed 9 months later to 2016. Throw that out the window because it is now schedul...
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Editor's Note: E3 is a show that everyone watches each year in order to see what new gaming products are being created. It is a show that has historically presented industry changing titles and cons...
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