Little is known how different The Wind Waker HD is from the original version, but the graphics are amazing and will be in 1080p! Check out more screens below!
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As Nintendo does every year, some new screens and artwork have been released! Let's take a look at them, shall we? The main logo looks very nice, showing off a hint of what the Dark World may contai...
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Zelda 3DS - formerly referred to as A Link to the Past 2 - has been revealed as The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. You Can watch the new trailer after the break.
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Coming from today's Nintendo E3 Direct it was confirmed that several Zelda inspired stages will be included. The stages include the train from Spirit Tracks, Skyloft from Skyward Sword, and Kakari...
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In today's Nintendo E3 Direct we learned that The Wind Waker HD is due out in North America this coming October. Also check out the other details here.
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Coming from the Nintendo E3 Direct - The Wind Waker HD contains a boat speed-run button for making traveling quicker. The game also includes a Tingle Bottle - the original had the Tingle Tuner - for...
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As some of you may know, the Symphony of the Goddesses has officially entered its second season for touring. They kicked off the season in Atlanta, and I was lucky enough to be able to attend. I...
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In the latest issue of EDGE, they released some details about A Link to the Past 2. The game runs at 60FPS and that helps make the 3D effect more stable. Check out more details after the break.
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When you consider how Nintendo tries to make Zelda more realistic, they always turn to revolutionizing the control system. Sometimes it's as simple as pressing a button, or as complicated as 1:1 mo...
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The people over at the Happy Hour YouTube channel have released the video above depicting our favorite hero Link fighting with several creatures. Here is what the description said:
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