Nintendo began with Pikmin 3 being announced for the WiiU which will use the GamePad as well as the Wiimote and Nunchuck. New Super Mario Bros.U looks just as good, with speed runs and up to 5 players...
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Update: The live feed has ended but can be viewed in it's entirety below. You can watch the Nintendo Direct presentation concerning the WiiU hardware above starting in about 10 minutes -June 3rd at...
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Link's Hideaway will be covering all Nintendo E3 announcements that are first party. There are several different presentations that will be spread over the week. We have the Pre-E3 Nintendo Direct c...
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Arrangement Wednesdays is here with something that may or may not surprise you... Yep, it's that kind of day around Link's Hideaway. Even I don't understand that last sentence, it's okay. Maybe t...
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We have some Link and Navi fan art for you to check out today. You can see it above. Let us know what you think in the comments.
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Update: This is no longer live, but you can watch the show in its entirety below. ZREO has begun streaming their live Q&A session! Watch below or join here
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Arrangement Wednesdays brings you a remix of the Ending theme fromA Link to the Past by Evan Pattison. This song gives you that breath taking feeling that something epic has just ended, doesn't it? ...
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Instead of Weekly Dose of Zelda Metal, we have some fan art of Stallord from Twilight Princess for you to enjoy. Take a look at it above and let us know what you think in the comments.
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The 3DS Game Card Case that features the Zelda cover above is now back in stock over at the North American Club Nintendo. The case costs 250 coins and features many different covers other then the Z...
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Welcome to Bongo Bongo Day! Bongo Bongo Day is presented by Goron__Elder and shows off songs featuring percussion in some way. Bongo Bongo Day posts once a month (the 16th of every month) and will rep...
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