
As soon as you leave the Still World from the Suthorn Ruins dungeon, Minister Lefte will approach and ask where we are. You reveal yourself to be Zelda and catch her up. She reveals that the location Impa marked on your map is Impa's brother's house, and wants to lead you there. Follow her all the way.

Inside you'll meet Lueberry, who is also trying to save Link. As it turns out, he is the one who made Link's sword. Tri will then go looking for large rifts and come back and mark them on your map. Since we didn't find Link in the first rift, it's suggested we look for him in these others. Lueberry also reveals that he can use Might Crystals to enhance your sword and energy levels. We don't have enough for a sword enhancement quite yet, so it's best to come back later.
From here on out, the game gets quite open ended. There are many optional things you can do around Hyrule, and you will have a choice between which of the next two dungeons you tackle first. We have chosen a practical order for this guide, but there is no right answer and you can feel free to skip around. But keep in mind that that the guide may assume that you have been following along when giving advice about which echoes and tools to use in later parts. The rest of this part of the walkthrough will focus on things you can collect around Hyrule, many of which are optional. You can skip ahead to the next part if you are only interested in the main story.
Suthorn Prarie

The first thing you can do outside Lueberry's house is activate the waypoint to the left. Because the rift has been fixed, you can head southwest to Suthorn Village. Outside of the southwest most house of the village, you can speak to a man to get the "Finding the Flying Plant" side quest. Show him a Peahat echo and he'll give you 1 Might Crystal as a reward.

Head back to the north so that we can explore the newly unblocked Suthorn Prarie. On the right side of this open area are a number of tall pillars surrounded by enemies. One of these is a spider enemy called a Crawtula. Once you defeat it you can learn the Crawtula echo.

Once you go far enough north around here you'll be stopped by a man who is stuck up on a pillar surrounded by enemies and he gives you the "Up the Wall" side quest. Defeat the two Spear Moblins surrounding him. The man is named Verley and he will give you 20 rupees as a reward.

Head back to the group of pillars and clear out the remaining enemies if you haven't already. You'll notice there is a heart piece on the center pillar in this area. The trick to reaching it is to make use of your new Crawtula echo. Place a bed in the water to the right of the center pillar to give a Crawtula something to crawl over. Then summon a Crawtula echo on it towards the pillar and bind yourself to it. Then follow it as it starts crawling and it will take you to the top of the pillar. Up here you can collect Piece of Heart #5.

Head to the left in the prarie and you'll find a pond that contains another new enemy: Octorok. You can send a Peahat out to defeat them or you can bind to them and drag them on to land. Either way you can learn the Octorok echo. Dive to the bottom of this pond and spin through the seaweed in the middle. This will reveal 1 Might Crystal.

Enter the cave to the north and defeat the enemies. Bind yourself to a Crawtula echo and use it to climb up the cliffs to the north. When you reach the highest cliff you can open the chest to get 50 rupees.

Now head south to find another pond with a platform in the center. Defeat the Octoroks around the southern pond and then get on the middle platform. Bind yourself to a Crawtula and send it up the pillar to get up to the chest in the center. Open it to get 10 portions of rock salt.

Head to the left and you'll see a man standing in front of a blocked path. This will start "The Blocked Road" side quest. You can easily clear the path for him by binding to the boulders and boxes and moving them out of the way to the open prarie. Speak to him once it is clear to get a reward of 20 rupees.
Hyrule Field

Take the road you just unblocked to the north into Hyrule Field and activate the waypoint to the left. Just to the south of this you'll find a Moblin camp. Here you can defeat some Sword Moblins with your trusty Peahat echo and learn the Sword Moblin echo. Once all the enemies in the camp are defeated you can open the treasure chest to get 10 containers of fresh milk.

Head north into the forest area and defeat the enemies around here. You'll find a heart piece that is guarded by a Peahat. You can use a Peahat of your own or something like an Ignizol and Sword Moblin working together to defeat it. Once the coast is clear you can use a trampoline echo to reach Piece of Heart #6 on the stump.

Keep following the road and check out the trees to the left where you'll have some bird enemies called Guay dropping down to attack you. Defeat them with a Peahat so you can learn the Guay echo. Get back on the road and you'll find another sign that points to Hyrule Ranch to the left.

Activate the waypoint here and then check out the stamp stand outside the gates of the ranch. This will cause Stamp Guy to appear. The man loves stamps and wants you to join a stamp rally. He will give you a stamp card and your first stamp. He then encourages you to fill out the rest of the card by visiting stamp stands in the overworld all around Hyrule.
Hyrule Ranch

Enter Hyrule Ranch and speak to the man to the left of the building. This will start the "Runaway Horse side quest where you'll need to find his lost horse. Start heading west of the ranch and you'll find a little platform with a suspicious single piece of grass. Spin through it to find 1 Might Crystal.

Head directly west of this and you'll soon see a horse that's stuck on a small island in a pond. You can create a bed ladder to create a path for the horse to escape. You can then hop on the horse and ride it back to the ranch. Speak to the man again and he'll reward you with being able to borrow any horse from the ranch whenever you'd like.

We'll explore the rest of the area to the west of the ranch later, so exit to the north and activate the waypoint just to the left. Then follow the sign that points you east towards Hyrule Castle. You might get attacked by some Tektite enemies on this road. They are a little evasive but defeat one to learn the Tektite echo.

Follow this road to the east and you'll find a rocky area with another small platform in the middle with a single piece of grass. As you might suspect, this is hiding 1 Might Crystal.

Continue to the north of this and you'll find a Peahat guarding some rocks laid out in a cross shape. Defeat the Peahat and then pick up the center rock to find 1 Might Crystal. You can also activate the waypoint just to the west of this.

Head back east and cross the bridge to get just outside of the west gate of Hyrule Castle Town. You can speak to a man to participate in an Acorn Gathering minigame. You'll need to collect 10 acorns in the nearby water and you'll get 20 rupees for doing it in less than 22 seconds. However, if you clear it in less than 17 seconds you will also get a one time bonus of 3 Might Crystals.

You'll now want to follow the road back south and head to the north of Suthorn Prarie. Along the way you'll get attacked by the very quick Wolfos enemy. Defeat it with a Peahat or Sea Urchin and learn the Wolfos echo.

On the small cliff to the east of this you'll see a rock surrounded by some patches of grass in a cross shape. Lift the rock to find 1 Might Crystal. On another cliff to the southeast of this you'll find a partially buried treasure chest. Bind to it and pull it out of the ground to find 5 jars of floral nectar inside.

Just to the east of this you'll hear some guards discussing how they are out looking for Zelda and are hanging wanted posters up. Luckily Zelda is wearing a fullproof disguise. Continue to follow the road towards the castle and you'll find another waypoint next to the bridge.

Before crossing the bridge follow the river west through the trees until you reach a huge group of trees against the cliff with a single piece of grass to their left. Place some boxes next to the cliff so that you can reach it and then spin into the grass. You'll find 1 Might Crystal. Then head back to the bridge to the south of the castle.
Hyrule Castle Town

The guards won't recognize you so you can head north straight into town. On the west side of town you'll see a bird shaped weathervane that you can bind yourself to and move out of the way. This will reveal a secret path that you can follow to find a chest containing 2 Might Crystals.

There is also a shop on the east side of town you can check out. If you have more than 500 rupees you can purchase the Stone Anklet for 400 rupees. Otherwise it's best to hold off for now. There's nothing else to do here for now besides chatting up the townspeople, so exit to the south when you are ready.

Follow the outside of the castle walls all the way around to the north and you'll find Piece of Heart #7. Then head southeast across a bridge to an area with boulders laid out in a grid. Go to the far southwest here and you'll find a lone small boulder. Bind to it and move it out of the way to find 1 Might Crystal.
Great Fairy

Continue following the road leading south across another bridge. You should be northeast of Suthorn Prarie once again. Check out the cliffs to the east and speak to the woman in glasses to learn about the Great Fairy.
Swim south into Lake Hylia until you reach an island in the center with a cave and a waypoint. Activate it and then head into the cave to meet the Great Fairy. You can pay her 100 rupees to increase your style, which actually gives you another equipment slot. Make sure to fill your bottle with another fairy if needed while you're here.

There are some other collectibles that are possible to get at this point, but that's we've covered all the important ones in central Hyrule. The rest can be more conveniently picked up later on when we are already in the vicinity.
The only thing left to do before continuing the main story is visit Lueberry's house for some upgrades. If you've been following along you should have 18 Might Crystals, enough for one sword and one energy upgrade. You can increase both to Lv. 2.
There are two markers on your map for the "Search for Everyone" quest and you can now pick which one to pursue first. Either is a fine choice, but in this walkthrough we'll be heading for Gerudo Desert in the southwest next.
Back to Suthorn Ruins Continue to Gerudo Desert