Getting the Boomerang

Exit this enclosed area in front of Catfish's Maw by diving down into the bubbles and making your way through the underwater section. Exit the bay onto land to the east. Go around the trees and then head all the way south until you see a gap with two crates on either side. Hookshot to the crate opposite to get over the gap. Check the mermaid statue here to place your Scale. Go down the staircase that opens up.

Walk inside to grab the Magnifying Lens. This item will allow you to see invisible NPCs and enemies. Exit the cave, defeating the now visible enemies if you wish. Head east from here back to Animal Village. Enter the house in the northeast corner of town and you'll see a Zora that was invisible before. Speak to the Zora to get Secret Seashell #37.

Exit this house and wrap around the outside perimeter of Animal Village along the cliffside to the north. Bomb the wall in the northeast corner and enter the cave. Jump across the gap to the north and place a bomb on another cracked wall. Go through and to the left and you'll see a cracked boulder here. Toss a bomb across to blow it up. Wrap back around and head up using the left entrance. Hookshot across the gap and grab Piece of Heart #23.

Warp to the Seashell Mansion and head west until you reach a line of five pits in front of the western moat of Kanalet Castle. Use your hookshot to get across the gap and head down the stairs. Open the chest here to get Secret Seashell #38. Warp to Manbo's Pond after exiting this area.

Head south past the Witch's Hut into the large pit with endlessly spawning Zombies. Lift the rocks to go down the staircase here. In this cave, toss a bomb so that it lands next to the cracked boulder and blows it up. Hop over and stand where the boulder was to hookshot across the gap. Hop on over to the next ledge to grab Piece of Heart #24.

Warp to Dampe's Shack. He should have a number of new chambers for you since we've completed a couple of dungeons since the last time we were here. You'll need to complete all of the four Two-Shovel difficulty challenges: 'Key Hunter', 'Bombs Away', 'Treasure Vault', and 'Passageway Central'. Afteward, Dampe will give you Piece of Heart #25.

Head back to Mabe Village and then head north into the Mysterious Forest. Go northeast in the forest and you'll come across a cave entrance (looks like a log) blocked by three boulders. Move one and enter the cave. Hookshot across using the treasure chest and open it for 50 rupees. Then hookshot to the left and push the other boulder down. Pick up Piece of Heart #26. Exit the cave.

Now, head south to Toronbo Shores. Head south onto the beach and then continue east past the area that you first picked up your sword. You'll see a cracked wall that you can bomb open here. Enter to fund Goriya, who is only visible after picking up the magnifying lens. To get the Boomerang, you'll need to trade him one of your items. Trade him your shovel, then buy it back for 300 rupees. Now you get to keep both items!
South Face Shrine

Warp to Animal Village and exit to the west. Head north along the river here and then east towards Ancient Ruins. Head south to enter the ruins. The statue enemies here are called Armos. They can be quite dangerous, so use your new boomerang to take them out quickly. If you've been following along with the walkthrough, we already visited here to pick up Secret Seashell #26. If you didn't do that, now is a good time. Either way, awaken the Armos and defeat them to make your way to the building in the northwest corner of the maze.

This building is called South Face Shrine. Walk down the steps and enter the next room to face a mini-boss: Armos Knight. Use Roc's Feather to dodge his ground-shaking attacks. Then quickly charge a spin-attack to weaken his armor. Once his armor is weak (his shield will be gone) just shoot a couple arrows and he'll be defeated.
The Armos Knight will leave behind the Face Key. Pick it up and head into the next room. Here you can enjoy a little bit of lore and hints about the nature of the Wind Fish and Koholint Island. Exit the shrine and the owl will come and speak to you. Backtrack through the maze and exit Ancient Ruins to the north.
River Rapids

North of Ancient Ruins, there is a small maze of boulders and bushes. Simply slash and lift to make your way through to the top-left. Hop into the water and swim east for a bit here. Get onto land at the first opportunity and enter the cave here. Hookshot across the two ledges to get Piece of Heart #27.

Exit this cave and you'll find yourself on a small island. Enter the house here. Speak to the man behind the counter to play the Raft Ride game. It costs 100 rupees. Start off with the 'Rapids Raid' mode so that we can pick up some goodies on our ride.
Take a ride and go as far left as you can until you reach a waterfall. Go down the waterfall and use your hookshot to stay along the left wall. Keep along the left and you'll see an island that is home to Piece of Heart #28.

While still playing the game, head northeast from this island and use the branches to hookshot your way to the small island in the middle that appears to be empty. Use your shovel in the top-right corner here and get Secret Seashell #39. Now, just finish out this game collecting as many rupees as you can.

We now want to play the 'Rapids Race' mode. There are three different prizes you can get for getting under certain times. You'll get Piece of Heart #29 for completing the race in under 40 seconds, you'll get Secret Seashell #40 for completing the race in under 35 seconds, and you'll get a Chamber Stone for completing the race in under 30 seconds. Remember to use the hookshot to speed up your rafting and play the 'Rapids Raid' mode if you are running low on rupees.

Assuming you now have 40 Secret Seashells, warp back to the Seashell Mansion. Stand on the pedestal and you'll be granted a sword upgarde. The Koholint Sword will deal double damage and shoot a beam when Link is at full health. With an upgraded sword in hand, let's go to the next dungeon.

Make your way back to maze of boulders and bushes north of Ancient Ruins. You'll find a cracked wall that you can bomb north of the exit of the maze. Enter the fairy fountain here, filling your bottles with fairies before the next dungeon. Now, swim to the small island with two Armos statues. Defeat the one to the left and head down the staircase here.
In this cave, hookshot across the gap and exit using the stairs above. Use your key on the lock to the right here, and the next dungeon will emerge from the ground. Enter it whenever you're ready.
Face Shrine

Welcome to Level 6 - Face Shrine. This dungeon is interestingly split into two halves. We're going to be heading left first. The enemies in this room are called Wizzrobes and can be defeated with two hits of your boomerang. Defeat them if you wish, but head up a room using the left path either way.

Head up and then left to find yourself in a room with a Shy Guy. Place a bomb next to the crystal switch and up through the right exit after it explodes. Bomb the cracked wall to the right and enter the room you just opened. Defeat all the enemies in this room and a staircase will appear. Go down it.

There a couple giant green Bubbles in this 2D area. Simply avoid them and exit on the left. This room should have the blocks lowered if you hit the crystal switch correctly before. Defeat the enemies in this room and then head up into the next room.

Open the chest here for the Powerful Bracelet. In the gameboy version, it was known as the Level 2 Power Bracelet. You can now pick up larger objects, like the giant statues in this room blocking the route to the door above. Go through the one-way door to find yourself back in the room with the crystal switch that we've been in before.

Use the bomb trick to hit the crystal switch after passing over the block in the top-left of the room, just as we did before. Head upward into the next room. The blocks should be lowered so that you can hit the switch under a pot and head left. Defeat the three Wizzrobes in the next room to spawn a chest containing the Map. With the blue blocks to the right lowered, head up into the next room.

Simply continue to the small room to the right and open the chest for the Stone Beak. Now go back to the room to the left and throw a pot at the door to open it. Head up and then right to find a chest containing the Compass. Go up and hit the switch (making it blue) and follow the narrow path until you reach a room with lowered orange blocks. Defeat the Wizzrobes here and a Small Key will drop.

Backtrack left along the narrow path all the way to the room with two giant statues. Toss one of them at the door and head up through it. Grab the chest containing 100 rupees up the steps and exit the dungeon to above. You'll find yourself back in the Rapid Raft section of the overworld. Open the chest here to get Secret Seashell #41. Then re-enter the dungeon.

It's helpful to know the basic rules of chess to solve the puzzle in this room. Stand three blocks away and one block down (the L-shape that knights move in chess) and toss the chess pieces sideways to get them to land in the holes. In make take a couple tries, but they will eventually bounce the right way to land. Hit the crystal switch and head down two rooms.

Back in the room with the crystal switch and Wizzrobes, we want to head right. Before doing so, toss a bomb at they crystal switch such that the blue blocks are raised before you exit this room. Head down from here back in the room with the crystal switch and Shy Guy. Hit the switch once so that the orange blocks are raised and throw the statue at the door so you can exit to the right.
Open the treasure chest here to get 100 rupees. Toss the giant statue at the door and head down through it. In the next room, there's another chest containing 50 rupees. Head down a room and right a room and you'll find yourself at the entrance of the dungeon. With most of the dungeon goodies in hand, we are now ready to tackle the east side of the dungeon.

Head right from the entrance into a room with many moving platforms. Make your waay across and avoid the Blade Traps, continuing right. In this room, the Floor Tiles will rise up and try to attack you. It's best to stand in a corner and shield until they are finished. Then the door above will open up. Pick up a giant statue and toss it at the door to the right to open it up, and then head through.

In this next room, defeat the four Wizzrobes to open up all the doors. Head through the door below. In this room, you'll need to climb the stairs and hop down onto the raised orange blocks. Hop across these blocks and make your way up on the narrow passage, avoiding the Blade Trap along the way. Open the chest here for some Secret Medicine. This will replenish your hearts if you lose them all in battle. Hop off the ledge and continue up a room.

In this next room, head up through the narrow watery passage until you find a chest. Open it to get a Small Key. Now backtrack down and left to the room with two giant statues and a locked door. Enter the door and head up into the next room. Bomb the wall above and enter to take on the dungeon mini-boss.

This mini-boss is called Smasher. His only attack is to throw a large bowling ball at you. Now that we have the powerful bracelet, we can toss it back at him to deal damage. He's pretty quick, so be sure to avoid his tosses and grab the ball quickly. After a couple rounds, he'll be defeated and leave behind a fairy and a warp portal to the beginning of the dungeon. Head up into the next room.

As you can see on the map, the door above is a trick. Taking it will just warp you back to the previous room endlessly. Pick up the statue to the left to reveal a staircase that will allow you to exit this room. Make your way to the left in the 2D section and prepare to shield some more Floor Tiles in the next room. When they're all gone, a Small Key will drop from above.

Open the locked block and head up through the opening. Toss a statue at the door to the left and go through it. In this small room, you'll need to place the chess pieces in their holes again. It's best to stand one block down and three blocks away from the hole to get the piece to land in. Head through the door that opens to the left and then down the stairs.
Use the Pegasus Boots to quickly dash to the left before the Thwomps have time to get you. Head back up with the ladder to the right. The easiest way to defeat the three Pol's Voice in this room is to play 'Ballad of the Wind Fish' on your ocarina, since they have sensitive ears. Head up into the next room.

Use a bomb to hit the crystal switch here. Open the chest to get 300 rupees. Place the chess pieces into the holes to exit this room. Head down through two more rooms. There are two Dodongo Snakes in this room that you'll need to use bombs to defeat, just as we did in a previous dungeon. Place bombs in front of them and they'll gobble them up. Head left after defeating them.

Use your hookshot to cross the gap here and then use your small key on the locked block. Head up and you'll see a crystal switch and a chest. Interestingly enough, the chest doesn't seem to open. Simply toss a pot at it and it will open granting you the Nightmare Key. Walk down and hop off the ledge here. Then continue to the room below.

Back in the room with four Wizzrobes, head left a room. Go up three rooms, passing the warp portal, and take the staircase to the left here once again. Continue left through the 2D area and back up the ladder. Back in the room with the attacking Floor Tiles, head down. Defeat the four zols in this room so that you can exit through the door to the right.
In this room, the Beamos enemy will shoot a lazer from its rotating eye if it sees you. Avoid this and defeat the wizzrobe across the gap. Push the block here to the right and make your way up into the next room. This room is home to the boss door. You can grab a fairy to heal up by defeating the enemies if you wish. Otherwise, head through the door when you're ready.

This dungeon boss, which resembles a face on the ground, is called Facade. Standing on his face will hurt you, but he otherwise won't attack you directly. He'll rather furl obstacles at you in the room, like floor tiles and pots. The key to damaging him is to simply place a bomb near his face. After a few rounds of taking damage, he'll begin creating holes in the ground. Simply avoid them and keep bombing until he has been defeated.

After winning this boss fight, you'll be left a Heart Container. Pick it up and head into the next room. This Instrument of Wind is called the Coral Triangle. After the dungeon, the owl will swoop in and advise you visit the mountain tower next.
Back to Catfish's Maw Continue to Eagle's Tower