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Our Link's Awakening Switch Fairy Bottles guide will cover the location of every Bottle in the Link's Awakening remake for Nintendo Switch. There are 3 Fairy Bottles to be found in the game. You can use these bottles to capture Fairies that can be used to heal.
Link's Awakening Fairy Bottle Locations
Fairy Bottle #1

Play the fishing mini-game located in northern Mabe Village. On the bottom of the pond you'll find Fairy Bottle #1. Drag it off the bottom it's yours. Note that bumping into a fish will knock it off, so try to catch nearby fish and pull it up quickly.
Fairy Bottle #2

You'll be given Fairy Bottle #2 as part of the main quest after conquering the fourth dungoen: Angler's Tunnel. A pink ghost will begin to follow you. Once you take the ghost back to its home and then to its grave, he'll give you the bottle.
Fairy Bottle #3

After completing the Face Shrine dungeon, Dampe has new challenges available for the Chamber Dungeon game. Complete the second Three Shovel difficulty challenge called 'Heart Shortage' to get Fairy Bottle #3.
Thanks for using our Links Awakening for Switch Bottles guide!