Our Link's Awakening Switch Heart Pieces guide will cover the location of every Piece of Heart in the Link's Awakening remake for Nintendo Switch. There are 32 Heart Pieces to be found in the game. Collecting them all along with the Heart Containers awarded after completing every dungeon will bring Link to 20 heart containers.
Link's Awakening Switch Heart Piece Locations
Heart Piece #1

After getting the sword, cut down the bushes overlooking a well in Mabe Village. Hop inside to grab Piece of Heart #1.
Heart Piece #2

Piece of Heart #2 is a prize at the Trendy Game in the southeast of Mabe Village. Simply grab the heart piece with the claw; it costs 10 rupees to play.
Heart Piece #3

Catch a fish longer than 10 inches in the fishing game in the northern part of Mabe Village to get Piece of Heart #3.
Heart Piece #4

Catch a fish longer than 30 inches in the fishing game in the northern part of Mabe Village to get Piece of Heart #4.
Heart Piece #5

After getting Roc's Feather from the Tail Cave dungeon, you can visit western Koholint Prarie by way of the Mysterious Forest. Here you'll find Piece of Heart #5 lying on the ground in the center of formation of pits.
Heart Piece #6

After getting the power bracelet from Bottle Grotto, head back to the cave with the log entrance in the center of Mysterious Forest. Find the room with the boulders and skulls. You can now pick up the skulls in this room that were previously blocking you from getting Piece of Heart #6.
Heart Piece #7

You can buy Piece of Heart #7 from the shop in the northeast part of Mabe Village. It costs 200 rupees.
Heart Piece #8

There is a cave near the western entrance of Ukuku Prarie. Head inside and move the boulders out of the way. Pick up the skull to get Piece of Heart #8.
Heart Piece #9

After collecting at least 5 Secret Seashells, head to the Seashell Mansion to the southeast of Koholint Castle. Stand on the pedestal inside to get Piece of Heart #9.
Heart Piece #10

On the western side of Tal Tal Mountain Range there will be a stone sign on the lower cliffs. Take the ladder to the right of the sign and head into the first cave you come across. Go inside and take a right. Push the stone to the right and head down the stairs. This resets the stone pattern. Head back up the stairs and push the middle stone above the Heart Piece down. Push the stone to the left of it to the left, and slash the crystal. You can now pick up Piece of Heart #10.
Heart Piece #11

Slash away at bushes and grass in Pothole Field until you get to the northeast corner. There is a two pothole gap here that you can leap over to grab Piece of Heart #11.
Heart Piece #12

After getting the pegasus boots from Key Cavern, head just north of the dungeon in Ukuku Prarie to find a cracked wall on the cliff. Blast it open and use your boots inside to smash through the obstacles. On the right wall here you can blast open another crack and find Piece of Heart #12.
Heart Piece #13

After finding Animal Village, exit to the southwest and wrap around the perimeter back to the top. You'll find Piece of Heart #13 tucked in the corner here.
Heart Piece #14

In the north of Yarna Desert, there's a pit of quicksand where you fight the mini-boss Lanmola. Sink into this quicksand to be dropped into a cave. Bomb the northern wall here and walk through to grab Piece of Heart #14.
Heart Piece #15

After completing Key Cavern, go back and play the Trendy Game in Mabe Village again. You'll first need to grab the Chamber Stone. Afterward Piece of Heart #15 will be one of the prizes you can nab.
Heart Piece #16

Complete the challenge 'Fill Up Your Hearts' in the Chamber Dungeon builder in Dampe's Shack to get Piece of Heart #16.
Heart Piece #17

Just south of Dampe's Shack in Tabahl Wasteland, Piece of Heart #17 is hiding amongst the trees to the north. You'll need to use Roc's Feather to jump over the pits to get to it.
Heart Piece #18

After getting the flippers, swim east from the entrance of Angler's Tunnel until you find a cave. Go inside and dive down to collect Piece of Heart #18.
Heart Piece #19

After you have the flippers, you can dive down and collect Piece of Heart #19 from the water just west of the Kanalet Castle drawbridge.
Heart Piece #20

After you have the flippers, return to the staircase used to cross over to the east side of the map towards Animal Village. It can be found just south of the Seashell Mansion warp point. Head down the stairs and dive inside to get Piece of Heart #20.
Heart Piece #21

After getting the flippers, hop into the water in Martha's Bay on the south side of the map. Swim to the south of the central body of water here and you'll find Piece of Heart #21 in a small outlet. Look for the mermaid statue for reference.
Heart Piece #22

You'll need the flippers for this one. East of the phone booth in Martha's Bay, you'll see a staircase on the other side of some pits and bushes. Jump across and slice the bushes so that you can go down the staircase. Inside the cave, you can dive in the center of the water to pick up Piece of Heart #22.
Heart Piece #23

After getting the hookshot, blow up the cracked wall on the cliff northeast of Animal Village. Inside, jump across the gap to the north and blow up another cracked wall. Head left and throw a bomb over the gap to blow a cracked boulder. Wrap back around to where you just blew up the boulder and use the other boulder to hookshot across the grap. Walk up the steps to grab Piece of Heart #23.
Heart Piece #24

After getting the hookshot, go to the large pit that spawns zombies just south of the Witch's Hut. Move the boulders and head down the staircase to enter a cave. Toss a bomb across the gap to blow up the cracked boulder. Stand where the boulder was and hookshot across this large gap. Hop across the small gap to get Piece of Heart #24. Note: it is possible to get this Heart Piece a little earlier with a well spaced jump using Roc's Feather and the pegasus boots before getting the hookshot.
Heart Piece #25

You'll need to complete all the Two-Shovel difficulty challenges in Dampe's Dungeon Chamber to get Piece of Heart #25. There are four of them that will be available after completing the Catfish's Maw dungeon.
Heart Piece #26

After getting the hookshot, return to the Mysterious Forest. In the central-northern part of the forest you'll see the entrance to a cave that looks like a log. It'll be blocked off with three boulders. Enter the cave and hookshot to the treasure chest. Then hookshot left to the boulders and push one off to make your way to Piece of Heart #26.
Heart Piece #27

North of the Ancient Ruins, there is a maze of boulders and bushes. Make your way through it and hop into the water heading east. Enter the cave you find here. Use your hookshot to stay on the upper ledges and grab Piece of Heart #27.
Heart Piece #28

While playing the Rapids Raft mini-game, head left as far as you can until you reach a waterfall. Use your hookshot to stay along the left wall and the rapid will pull you to an island that contains Piece of Heart #28.
Heart Piece #29

In order to get Piece of Heart #29, you'll need to finish the Rapids Race mini-game in less than 40 seconds. This shouldn't be too hard to do if you use your hookshot to raft to the end as fast as possible.
Heart Piece #30

Head left from the Rooster House on the northern area of Tal Tal Mountain Range. Hookshot accross the broken bridge and slash down the lone bush here. Go down the staircase and place a bomb on the cracked wall to the south. Enter this room and head right to find Piece of Heart #30.
Heart Piece #31

From the point in the western end of the Tal Tal Mountain Range on the highest cliff west of Mt. Tamaranch, head left. Jump down off the cliff here and continue heading west along a narrow edge to find Piece of Heart #31. You'll need to navigate the caves from the eastern part of the mountain range to get here if you haven't yet reached the western warp portal.
Heart Piece #32

Deep inside the Turtle Rock dungeon, you'll find a staircase leading outside. Here you'll find Piece of Heart #32 perched atop a grassy area in the mountain. If you have the Turtle Rock warp point, it's just to the left over the bridge relative to that. Check out our Turtle Rock Walkthrough for more details.
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