Our Link's Awakening Switch Items and Gear guide will detail where to find and the purpose of every item in Link's Awakening. This includes dungeon items, gear, instruments, and keys. This list does not include trading quest items, as they are temporary and are detailed in our Trading Sequence Guide.
Link's Awakening Switch Gear
The following are pieces of gear or equipment that Link can equip and use on his quest. Many of them are dungeon items. They are listed alphabetically.

Bombs can be obtained from the shop in Mabe Village or from various drops throughout the game. They are used to damage enemies and blow up cracked walls and rocks. By visiting the Mad Batter, Link can hold up to 60 bombs.

The boomerang can be obtained by completing the Trading Sequence quest. It's a very powerful weapon that can be used to stun and kill most enemies.

The bow can be purcahsed from the shop in Mabe Village for 980 rupees anytime after puchasing the shovel. Like all items from the shop, it can also be stolen. It can be used to deal a lot of damage to enemies and strike objects from afar. The bow is necessary to complete the Turtle Rock dungeon.
Deluxe Shovel

After completing Tail Cave, the deluxe shovel can be purchased from the shop in Mabe Village for 200 rupees. It can be used to dig things out of the ground like Secret Seashells.

The flippers are the dungeon item found in Angler's Tunnel. They can be used to swim and dive underwater to collect items and cross bodies of water.

The hookshot is the dungeon item found in Catfish's Maw. It can be used to grapple to certain objects or pull certain objects towards Link.
Koholint Sword

The Koholint Sword is a more powerful sword that can be obtained by bringing 40 Secret Seashells to the Seashell Mansion. It deals double damage and fires a beam if Link is at full health.
Magic Powder

Magic Powder is first obtained by giving a sleepy toadstool to the witch. Afteward, it can be replenished as a normal drop. It's used to light torches, defeat enemies, and perform other magic.
Magic Rod

The magic rod is the dungeon item found in Turtle Rock. It shoots out fireballs that can be used to light torches from a distance and defeat enemies and bosses.
Mirror Shield

The mirror shield is the dungeon item found in Eagle's Tower. It can be used to reflect certains beams and projectiles.

The ocarina can be obtained in the Dream Shrine in Mabe Village. Three songs can be learned and played at Link's leisure: Ballad of the Wind Fish, Manbo's Mambo, and Frog's Song of Soul. These can be used to perform various tasks around the overworld or warp to discovered warp portals.
Pegasus Boots

The pegasus boots are the dungeon item found in Key Cavern. They allow Link to dash very quickly with his sword out in front of him. This can be used to damage enemies, gain speed, and knock things over.
Power Bracelet

The power bracelet is the dungeon item found in Bottle Grotto. It allows Link to pick up heavy objects like rocks and pots.
Powerful Bracelet

The powerful bracelet is the dungeon item found in Face Shrine. It allows Link to pick up heavier items like large statues and iron balls.
Red and Blue Tunics

Link may choose one of the two red or blue tunics for completing the optional Color Dungeon. The Red Tunic doubles the damage output of all weapons. The Blue Tunic cuts the amount of damage Link will take by half.
Roc's Feather

Roc's Feather is the dungeon item found in Tail Cave. It allows Link to jump which is used to clear gaps and avoid enemy attacks.

The shield is given to Link by Tarin at the beginning of the game. It can be used to block attacks and projectiles. It can also be used to push certain objects that would otherwise hurt Link.

Link's sword can be found washed up on the beach at Toronbo Shores. It's Link's primary weapon throughout the game and can be used to slash enemies and other objects.
Link's Awakening Switch Instruments
The following are Instruments of the Sirens that link must gather before approaching the Wind Fish. They are found at the end of each of the game's eight dungeons.
Full Moon Cello

The Full Moon Cello can be found at the end of the Tail Cave dungeon after defeating the dungeon's nightmare.
Conch Horn

The Conch Horn can be found at the end of the Bottle Grotto dungeon after defeating the dungeon's nightmare.
Sea Lily's Bell

The Sea Lily's Bell can be found at the end of the Key Cavern dungeon after defeating the dungeon's nightmare.
Surf Harp

The Surf Harp can be found at the end of the Angler's Tunnel dungeon after defeating the dungeon's nightmare.
Wind Marimba

The Wind Marimba can be found at the end of the Catfish's Maw dungeon after defeating the dungeon's nightmare.
Coral Triangle

The Coral Triangle can be found at the end of the Face Shrine dungeon after defeating the dungeon's nightmare.
Organ of Evening Calm

The Organ of Evening Calm can be found at the end of the Eagle's Tower dungeon after defeating the dungeon's nightmare.
Thunder Drum

The Thunder Drum can be found at the end of the Turtle Rock dungeon after defeating the dungeon's nightmare.
Link's Awakening Switch Keys
The following are Dungeon Keys that link must gather before opening the entrance to some dungeons.
Tail Key

The Tail Key is found in a treasure chest in the Mysterious Woods. It's needed to unlock the entrance to the Tail Cave dungeon.
Slime Key

The Slime Key will be given to Link by Richard for finding the five Golden Leaves in Kanalet Castle. It is used to unlock the entrance to the Key Cavern dungeon.
Angler Key

The Angler Key is found in Yarna Desert after defeating the Lanmola boss. It is used to unlock the entrance to the Angler's Tunnel dungeon.
Face Key

The Face Key is found in Southern Face Shrine after defeating the Armos Knight boss. It is used to unlock the entrance to the Face Shrine dungeon.
Bird Key

The Bird Key is found in a cave below the Rooster House in Tal Tal Heights. It is used to unlock the entrance to the Eagle's Tower dungeon.
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