Our Trading Sequence guide for Link's Awakening Switch will detail all aspects of the trading quest. The trading sequence begins early on as you travel across Koholint Island and can be completed after the Catfish's Maw dungeon. The end goal is to get the Boomerang, a very powerful weapon. Our Link's Awakening Walkthrough will detail how to complete the Trading Sequence at the most opportune times if you follow along from the start of the game.
Trading Sequence Guide
Yoshi Doll

From the start of your adventure, you'll be able to play the Trendy Game in Mabe Village. This is a crane game that costs 10 rupees to play. Simply grab the Yoshi Doll from the selection of items here to get it.

There is a home on the north side of Mabe Village that has two doors. This is known as the Quadruplet's House. Enter it and speak to the woman named Mamasha and trade the Yoshi Doll to her for a Ribbon.
Dog Food

In the center of Mabe Village, there is a house with a Chain-Chomp named BowWow chained to the front. Enter the dog house attached to the right. Speak to the small Chain-Chomp named CiaoCiao and traid the Ribbon for some Dog Food.

There is a house to the east of where you first got your sword on Toronbo Shores. Enter it and speak to the alligator named Sale. Trade him some Dog Food for some Bananas.

To the right of the entrance to Kanalet Castle you'll find a monkey named Kiki. Give him the Bananas and he'll build a bridge that allows you to enter the castle. He'll also leave behind the next trading quest item: the Stick.

Head east from the warp portal in Ukuku Prarie and you'll find Tarin standing by a tree. Offer him your Stick and he'll very wisely use it to whack a beehive. After he is chased off, you'll be able to pick up the Honeycomb.

In the southeast corner of Animal Village, there is a home that houses Chef Bear. Enter it and speak to the bear to trade your Honeycomb for a Pineapple.

In the Tal Tal Mountain Range, just above the entrance to Angler's Tunnel, you'll find Papahl standing near a ledge. Simple talk to him to trade your Pineapple for a Hibiscus.
Goat's Letter

In Animal Village, there are two similar looking buildings in the northeast corner of town. Enter the one on the left to meet Christine the goat. Trade her your Hibiscus for a Goat's Letter.

If you exit Mysterious Forest to the north, you'll find yourself west of the swamp, you'll find a house on the other side of some pits. Enter this house and speak to Mr. White. Deliver the Goat's Letter and he'll give you a Broom.
Fishing Hook

In the middle of Mabe Village, you can find Grandma Yahoo standing outside her house. Speak to her and trade your Broom for a Fishing Hook.

In the main body of water in Martha's Bay, you can actually swim under the bridge to the south to find a hidden area. Do so and you'll come across a man sitting on his boat. Trade him the Fishing Hook for a Necklace.

In the same body of water in Martha's Bay that you found the fisherman and Necklace, you'll find a mermaid. She's in the northern part of the water. Speak to her to trade her Necklace for a Scale of her's.
Magnifying Lens

South of the body of water in Martha's Bay, you'll find a mermaid statue that you'll need the hookshot to navigate to. Place the Scale on the statue and it will open a path underground. Go down the stairs and you'll find the Magnifying Glass.

In Toronbo Shores, just east of where you picked up your sword, you'll find a cracked wall along the beach. Blow it open with a bomb and if you have the Magnifying Lens, you'll see someone named Goriya behind the counter. Speak to him and trade him one of your items for the Boomerang. You can buy your item back from him for 300 rupees.
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