How to Defeat The Imprisoned and Get to the Isle of Songs
Skyloft Pit Stop

At the Temple of Time, there are a number of sand piles where you can find some treasure and Lanayru Ants. Pick them up if you want, and then head to the sky via the nearby bird statue. You could head straight for the Sealed Ground to continue the main quest if you'd like, but there's some more stuff to collect in the sky that this guide will cover.
Cleaning Pipit's House

When you are back in Skyloft, head over to the east side to Pipit's House. His mother Mallara will be here, and if you speak to her she will offer to pay you to clean her home. We are now equipped with the gust bellows, so this should be easy.

There is dust all over the floor (make sure not to miss this) and cobwebs and dust bunnies on various pieces of furniture around the room. Just give everything a blast with your gust bellows and it will all be cleaned up. Mallara will tell you when you are finished, so keep looking for dust until she does. As a reward for cleaning her house, she will give you 5 Gratitude Crystals and 20 rupees.

Now that we have 30 Gratitude Crystals, we can get a reward from Batreaux. Head over to the Graveyard and take the path through the shed to Batreaux's House. Speak to Batreaux and you will get the Big Wallet, which holds 1000 rupees. If you've been following along that brings our total to 1900 rupees. A chest will also appear (that Batreaux begs you not to open) that contains the Cursed Medal. This will increase the number of rupees and treasure you find but will leave you unable to open your pouch.

Afterward, find Beedle's Air Shop and shoot the bell to hop on board. Here we want to buy the Adventure Pouch Slot for 600 rupees. This should bring your adventure slot capacity up to seven.
Head to the Bazaar. We want to go the item check where you can swap out whatever you like, but we recommend carrying an Iron Shield, Treasure Medal, Life Medal, Heart Medal, and three empty bottles. If you haven't already, you can likely upgrade your Iron Shield now as well. The upgrade cost is 2 Eldin Ore, 2 Monster Claw, 2 Ornamental Skulls, and 50 rupees.
We are now set out to head to the Sealed Ground. Take to the sky and head for Faron (the green beam) when you are ready.
Sealed Grounds

As you drop into the Sealed Grounds, you'll be joined by Groose in a rather interesting fashion. After the cutscene, Groose will run off and you should speak to Gorko. Then, head down the path to the west and enter the Sealed Temple.

Here, "The Old One" will teach you how to use your harp. Strum and pulse back and forth as she instructs. The song she teaches you is the Ballad of the Goddess. Afterward, the Gate of Time will emerge in the temple.

As she is explaining this gate to you, something terrible happens. A seal is broken and one of the primary antagonists of the game will reveal itself. It's known as The Imprisoned. Hop down to the bottom of the pit and a boss battle will begin.

The key to defeating The Imprisoned is strangely to attack its toes. On each foot, it has three in the front and one in the back. Deliver a few slashes to each of them and when all have been destroyed, The Imprisoned will fall over. You must now slash at the spike in his head, in a direction that forces it into the head.

The Imprisoned will then turn red and start quickly moving up the spiral ramp. You'll want to take one of the air gusts up to cut it off. It'll then start walking again, and you can rinse and repeat the process. On the third cycle, his stomps will shoot out a red radius that will knock you back, so you'll need to time and space your attacks a little more carefully.

Afterward, you'll need to make your way back to the bottom of the spiral, and deliver a Skyward Strike to the spike. Slash in the three directions it shows, and The Imprisoned will be sealed once again. In the next cutscene, The Old One tells us to find three sacred flames that power up our sword in each of the three regions.

Head out the main doors of the temple for an optional cutscene with Groose, who is beating himself up. Now go back out through the east doors of the temple where you can speak to Gorko again. He has found a Blessed Butterflies spot, which if you play your harp at reveals a Gossip Stone. These little stones give tips and drop treasure when they are activated.
Light Tower

Use the nearby bird statue to take to the sky. Head back to Skyloft and drop down near the Knight Academy. Head inside and enter the headmaster's room on the second floor. When you speak to Gaepora, he will give you the lyrics to Zelda's song, which suggest that you need to "show the two whirling sails the way of the Light Tower". Head downstairs and exit the Knight Academy.

Continue along the path on the western side here until you reach the windmill. There is a small propeller on it that you can use the gust bellows on. Use it to rotate the windmill towards the Light Tower, there is a blue panel that will light up when it's correctly aligned.
Missing Propeller Quest

There's another windmill on the eastern side of Skyloft, so head over that way to repeat the same process. However, when you get there you will find that the propeller is missing. Jakamar will approach you and point you towards Gondo at the Scrap Shop who might have a solution to collect things from beneath the clouds.

Head over to the Scrap Shop in the Bazaar. Speak to Gondo here, who will ask for an Ancient Flower to fix his robot, Scrapper. Fi will register the propeller so you can dowse for it.

Head outside and use your dowsing ability to see that it's in the direction of the red beam of light, Eldin. Fly on over there and land at the Temple Entrance statue.
Head down the path west of the temple and you'll see a small sand slope. You can spot the missing propeller from here. Slide down and check the propeller out. Fi will call Scrapper down to come to pick it up. Head back to the Temple Entrance and use the statue to return to the sky.

Once in the sky, you will see Scrapper following close behind you. Fly towards Skyloft and when you get close enough you'll automatically land at the windmill, and Scrapper will drop off the propeller. Jakamar will then fix the propeller, making this windmill operable again.

With the propeller fixed, use your gust bellows to point the windmill in the direction of the Light Tower. This one will snap into place, triggering a short cutscene where something will emerge from the top of the Light Tower. Head on over there and climb up to the top.

Once you are on top of the Light Tower, take out the harp and start playing. A ring will appear, giving you a strumming rhythm. The top of the tower will rotate and a beam of light will emerge from the top of the tower, piercing some clouds to the north.
Isle of Songs

Hop on your loftwing and follow this beam of light to the north. As you fly, you'll need to avoid a number of tornadoes. Once you go through the clouds, you'll find yourself Inside the Thunderhead. It's a stormy place here, and the skies are filled with strange creatures. Avoid them as you continue to follow the beam of light, and you'll arrive on an island.

Fi will point out that this is the Isle of Songs. The goal here is to rotate this center structure and surrounding platforms in such a way that it forms a bridge. There is an arm in the middle that lets you rotate different platforms, and a mechanism to the side that causes barriers to rise on this platform, effectively changing which platforms you are moving. Here is the solution:
- Rotate to line up the far and near platforms to the southwest.
- Hit the switch on the right.
- Rotate to line up all three platforms.
- Hit the switch on the top.
- Rotate one time (to get past the barrier).
- Hit the switch on the right.
- Rotate until the bridge lines up with the building.

Enter the small opening here and crawl through. Continue forward and deliver a Skyward Strike to the emblem ahead. During this cutscene, you will learn a new song, Farore's Courage. This is the key to opening the next trial (the next dungeon). You can head straight to Faron Woods to get started if you'd like, but there are a number of things to collect up in the sky first.
Skyloft Collectathon

While you are still Inside the Thunderhead, there is a Goddess Chest to open. Hop back on your loftwing and take a short flight to the base of the large island we were just on. On the east side, you can open the Goddess Chest to get 300 rupees.
Fun Fun Island Quest

Now that we have scrapper, there's a quest we can do at a place called Fun Fun Island. It's located in the southwestern part of the sky, so exit the Thunderhead and make your way over. You can easily see it on your map as a circular island that is very colorful.
Speak with Dodoh when you get here to find that he has dropped his Party Wheel beneath the clouds. Fi will register this so you can dowse for it. Take flight towards the yellow pillar of light, because the Party Wheel can be found in Lanayru.

When you land in the Lanayru region, choose the Desert Entrance bird statue. Once here, hit the nearby Timeshift Stone and you'll notice some vines will appear on the wall. Climb up these and you'll find a ledge that you can shimmy across to the left.

Once across this ledge, continue on the narrow platform and you'll find the Party Wheel partially buried in the sand. Fi will call Scrapper for you to come to take it back up to the sky. While we are here, if you head down the ramp and through the arch you will find a chest containing a random rare treasure. Head back to the bird statue and return to the sky.

Fly back to Fun Fun Island, Scrapper will follow behind you. Dodoh will be delighted to have his Party Wheel back. As a reward, you will get 5 Gratitude Crystals. Dodoh's mini-game on this island will now be available to play as well.

We want to play his mini-game until we get the grand prize, which is a Piece of Heart. It costs 20 rupees to play. The basic idea here is to go through the rings and avoid the Dodoh balls while falling, and then land on the highest rupee color you can. The largest is the blue and pink space, worth 50 rupees. Each ring serves as a 2x multiplier, so if you make it through every ring and land on the blue and pink spot, you will get 10x 50 rupees = 500 rupees.
Here are some tips and tricks for getting the grand prize:
- Make very gentle rotations to aim your body. It doesn't take much and rotating your controller too much will make it harder to control.
- There are some stationary and some rotating balls. Always try to go through the middle of the rotating balls.
- There are yellow and orange symbols in the middle of the ring. If you have the 10x multiplier, look at which of these symbols is pointing at the 50 rupee space just as you pass through the last ring. You want to keep track of that particular yellow or orange symbol and land wherever it points. This works because the wheel will rotate about 1 full time from when you through the last ring and when you land if you have the 10x multiplier.
- If you are playing the HD version and are having trouble with motion controls, try switching to standard controls.

It'll probably take a few tries, but you should play until you get the grand prize. In addition to the 500 rupees, you will get Heart Piece #9. If you are confident in your abilities, you can keep playing afterward and fill up your wallet if you'd like.
Lumpy Pumpkin Quest

After you've had your fun on Fun Fun Island, make your way east to the Lumpy Pumpkin. Empty one of your bottles before you go in. We started a quest where we broke the chandelier here early in this guide. If you haven't done that yet, head to the balcony upstairs and roll into the railing twice to break the chandelier.

Speak to the bartender Pumm and he will fill one of your bottles with Hot Pumpkin Soup. You'll have five minutes to deliver this to Eagus at the Sparring Hall. Take to the skies and quickly head to the northern end of Skyloft. Enter the Sparring Hall and speak to Eagus. He'll ask you to return to the Lumpy Pumpkin to give thanks to Pumm.

Fly back to the Lumpy Pumpkin. Speak to Pumm again, this time he'll ask you for help harvesting pumpkins. Head outside to the back of the building and speak to Kina. You'll need to carry 5 stacked pumpkins to the nearby shed. It can be a little tricky to balance, but just walk slowly towards the shed and move left or right with the pumpkins.

Head back inside and speak to Pumm again. The next job must be done at night, so use one of the nearby beds to sleep until then. Speak with Plumm again and he will have you play the harp with Kina. Strum along to the customers' motions and if you do a good enough job you will get Heart Piece #10 and your debt will be paid.

While we are here at night, there are a couple of Gratitude Crystals to collect. Head upstairs and you'll find one Gratitude Crystal on a bar up here. For the next, head outside around the back to the shed where we delivered pumpkins. On the ground here you will find another Gratitude Crystal.
Haunted Restroom Quest

Sleep until morning and then fly back to Skyloft. Head into the Bazaar and speak to Dovos, who is sitting at a table here. He'll tell you about a rumor about someone crying in the Knight Academy at nighttime. So let's head on over there, and find a bed to sleep in until nighttime.
At night, head over to the restroom on the east end of the first floor. You'll start to hear some strange noises, but if you try to open the door it will be locked. Someone inside asks for some kind of paper though. Head back to bed and sleep until morning.

Back outside the door to the restroom, you'll find Cawlin. He will give you a paper that serves as a love letter to an upperclassman girl, Karane. He begs you not to give it to the restroom person for use as toilet paper. From here you actually have two options to complete this quest, both of which yield the same reward but are quite different outcomes (neither is great for Cawlin).
Option 1: Toilet Paper

The first option is to ignore Cawlin's request and use his love letter as toilet paper. Go back to sleep until night. Head back to the restroom where you will now be welcomed in. You'll see a ghostly hand here that you can give the letter to.

Sleep again until morning and speak to Cawlin once again. He isn't very happy with your decision. Follow him into Groose's room and speak to him again. Sleep until night, and then head back to Groose's room.

Here you will find the haunted hand (named Phoeni) caressing Cawlin as he sleeps. It appears they have developed a very interesting relationship. Either way, Phoeni will be grateful and reward you with 5 Gratitude Crystals.
Option 2: Deliver to Karane

The second option is to do what Cawlin asks and deliver his love letter. During daytime head to the classroom on the south end of this floor. Deliver the letter to Karane here who takes it gracefully but makes it clear that her heart is after someone else.

Up on the second floor of the Knight Academy, speak to Pipit. It seems he has a crush on her as well and asks you to find out what Karane is going to do. Head back downstairs and speak with her again. At cutscene between the love triangle will begin. Cawlin gets the short end of the stick and you will be rewarded with 5 Gratitude Crystals from Pipit.

Regardless of the option you chose, you should have 42 Gratitude Crystals if you've been following along with the guide. That's enough for a new reward, so let's pay a visit to Batreaux via the Graveyard. Enter his house and speak to Batreaux to get 300 rupees.

There are a couple of things we can buy, depending on how many rupees you have. Pay a visit to Rupin in the Bazaar and you can now buy a Sacred Shield for 500 rupees. It's a little fragile until we upgrade it, so you may or may not want to carry it for the next area.
Depending on the treasure you have, you may be able to upgrade various pieces of your gear. None of them are required yet, so don't worry if you can't upgrade anything. If you still have over 1200 rupees, you can also buy the final Adventure Pouch Slot for 1200 rupees.
Once you are finished shopping and happy with the items in your pouch, it's time to set off for the next area. Take to the skies and fly to Faron, the green beam in the sky.
Back to Lanayru Mining Facility Continue to Lake Floria