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Skyward Sword Fun Fun Island Quest Guide
The following Fun Fun Island Quest Guide will help you through the Fun Fun Island Quest, as well as its subsequent minigame in Skyward Sword. This quest yields 5 Gratitude Crystals, as well as a Heart Piece upon completion.
Fun Fun Island Gratitude Crystals

In order to begin this quest, you must have fixed Scrapper. Head to the large island southwest of Skyloft, close to the Lanayru light beam. It is easily spotted because of its bright coloration. Talk to the man there named Dodoh, and he will begin the quest.

The party wheel this man seeks at first is found in Lanayru Desert. Take the warp to Lanayru Desert Entrance, and hit the nearby Timeshift Orb. Climb up the vines that appear and follow the path.

Climb the ledge in your way and continue onward. Near the end of this path is the party wheel that the man seeks. Use Scrapper to bring it up to the sky and back to Fun Fun Island.

Upon returning with the party wheel, Dodoh will reward you with 5 Gratitude Crystals, as well as a free attempt at his mini-game.
Fun Fun Island Heart Piece

We want to play his Fun Fun Island mini-game until we get the grand prize, which is a Piece of Heart. It costs 20 rupees to play. The basic idea here is to go through the rings and avoid the Dodoh balls while falling, and then land on the highest rupee color you can. The largest is the blue and pink space, worth 50 rupees. Each ring serves as a 2x multiplier, so if you make it through every ring and land on the blue and pink spot, you will get 10x 50 rupees = 500 rupees.
Here are some tips and tricks for getting the grand prize:
- Make very gentle rotations to aim your body. It doesn't take much and rotating your controller too much will make it harder to control.
- There are some stationary and some rotating balls. Always try to go through the middle of the rotating balls.
- There are yellow and orange symbols in the middle of the ring. If you have the 10x multiplier, look at which of these symbols is pointing at the 50 rupee space just as you pass through the last ring. You want to keep track of that particular yellow or orange symbol and land wherever it points. This works because the wheel will rotate about 1 full time from when you through the last ring and when you land, if you have the 10x multiplier.
- If you are playing the HD version and are having trouble with motion controls, try switching to standard controls.

It'll probably take a few tries, but you should play until you get the grand prize. In addition to the 500 rupees, you will get a Heart Piece.
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