Skyward Sword Goddess Cubes Guide
Throughout your journey in Skyward Sword, you will come across collectibles known as Goddess Cubes. These objects, when struck by the skyward strike of your sword, will promptly ascend and create a treasure chest somewhere in the sky. This Skyward Sword Goddess Cube Guide is a comprehensive list of all the Goddess Cube Locationsscattered throughout the world. In addition to this, the location of every Goddess Cube Chest is noted. Below is a Skyward Sword Goddess Cubes Locations Guide that will guide you through obtaining all goddess cubes in Skyward Sword!
Goddess Cube #1

Location: Deep Woods
During the normal progression of the story in the Deep Woods, Gorko will force you to activate this Goddess Cube.
Goddess Chest #1

Reward: Adventure Pouch Slot
The chest is located on the side of the Lumpy Pumpkin on Pumpkin Landing. It contains a single Adventure Pouch Slot.
Goddess Cube #2

Location: Deep Woods
This cube is located directly in front of Skyview Temple.
Goddess Chest #2

Reward: Heart Piece
The chest for this cube is located on a small island south of Skyloft. It contains a piece of heart.
Goddess Cube #3

Location: Skyview Temple Spring
In the spring, immediately after the Skyview Temple boss fight, there is a Goddess Cube behind the pedestal.
Goddess Chest #3

Reward: Gold Rupee (300)
The chest for this Goddess Cube is located on the entrance to the Lumpy Pumpkin. Fly over the top of the Lumpy Pumpkin and dive onto the roof. Then, slide down to the chest. It contains a gold rupee.
Goddess Cube #4

Location: Eldin Volcano
This goddess cube is found directly next to the entrance to Eldin Volcano. Drop down to the ledge to the left to find it. If you missed it the first time, you can always find it by going to the Volcano Entry waypoint.
Goddess Chest #4

Reward: Small Seed Satchel
The chest is found on a small island to the northwest of Fun Fun Island. It contains a small seed satchel.
Goddess Cube #5

Location: Eldin Volcano
Next to the Volcano East waypoint, there is a fork in the road. This is close to where the entrance to the underground area of the volcano is. Take the left path and keep walking until you see the goddess cube.
Goddess Chest #5

Reward: Silver Rupee (100)
The chest is found on an island to the northwest of Beedle's Island. It contains a silver rupee.
Goddess Cube #6

Location: Eldin Volcano
During your free fall on entering Eldin Volcano, aim for the platform in the far corner. The Goddess Cube is in the ground on this platform. You can drop down the volcano again if you miss it the first time.
Goddess Chest #6

Reward: Gold Rupee (300)
The chest is located at the rear of the building on the Isle of Songs. This is found within the Thunderhead and cannot be obtained until much later in the story. It contains a gold rupee.
Goddess Cube #7

Location: Eldin Volcano
Near the entrance to the Earth Temple, there is a spot that can be dug using the Mogma Mitts. This reveals an air current that can be used to float up. The goddess cube is found behind a destructible wall on this ledge.
The rock can be destroyed using a bomb flower nearby, or with the bomb bag found as the dungeon item in the Earth Temple.
Goddess Chest #7

Reward: Gold Rupee (300)
The chest for this goddess cube is found behind the building on Bamboo Island. It contains a gold rupee.
Goddess Cube #8

Location: Eldin Volcano
Near one of the large Bokoblin villages, you can blow up a watchtower to create a makeshift bridge. Instead of crossing that particular bridge, look to your right and go down the small path to reach the goddess cube.
Goddess Chest #8

Reward: Treasure Medal
The chest is located on an island on the far eastern side of the map. The player must land on the top platform of the island and then use the vines to reach the chest. It contains a treasure medal.
Goddess Cube #9

Location: Eldin Volcano
This goddess cube is found on the left-most sandslide in Eldin Volcano. On your way down, look out for the platform with the air current running in front of it. Use it to ascend up to the platform where the cube is.
Goddess Chest #9

Reward: Heart Piece
The chest is found directly in the center of Skyloft. After getting the Water Dragon's Scale, travel through an underwater tunnel found beneath the lake to reach the chest. It contains a piece of heart.
Goddess Cube #10

Location: Lanayru Mine
This Goddess Cube is available as soon as you enter Lanayru Mine. The Goddess Cube is lodged into the ground behind the statue in the entrance area to the mine.
Goddess Chest #10

Reward: Silver Rupee (100)
The chest for this Goddess Cube is on a small island near the top right corner of the map. Land on the lower half of the island and bomb the cracked wall to reveal a chest containing a silver rupee.
Goddess Cube #11

Location: Lanayru Desert
Near the left-most region of Lanayru Desert is a pit of sand containing several islands, one of which holds the Goddess Cube. To get to it, either use the nearby Ampilus to create a platform in the sand or travel to the ledge above it and drop down.
Goddess Chest #11

Reward: Heart Medal
The chest is located on a small island close to the Lanayru Desert light beam. Drop down onto the outer portion of the island rather than inside it. The chest contains a Heart Medal.
Goddess Cube #12

Location: Lanayru Desert
Outside the Temple of Time, there is a minecart with an unactivated robot blocking the way forward. Use your Hook Beetle to drop a bomb onto the nearby pillar, exposing a Timeshift Stone. Strike the Timeshift Orb to bring life back to the area. Then, kill the two enemies next to the cart.
After pushing the cart back into the living zone, enter it and power up a Skyward Strike. The Goddess Cube is on your left, and it is possible to strike it while riding in the minecart.
Goddess Chest #12

Reward: Heart Piece
The chest is located on top of Beedle's House on Beedle's Island. Either fly over to it and land on top or sleep in Beedle's Airshop until night. The chest contains a piece of heart.
Goddess Cube #13

Location: Faron Woods
After acquiring the Water Dragon Scale, travel to the outside area on top of the Great Tree. This opens up the ability to jump and land on a previously inaccessible root. This root has a tight rope attached. Crossing the tight rope will lead you to the cube. Falling off the rope requires a total redo of all of the previous steps, so be careful!
Goddess Chest #13

Reward: Rupee Medal
The chest for this Goddess Cube is found within the Thunderhead. Either free fall onto it or climb up to it using the vines. It contains a Rupee Medal.
Goddess Cube #14

Location: Faron Woods
After acquiring the Water Dragon Scale, go to the top of the Great Tree and exit out onto the tree's outer branches. Look below and there is a Goddess Cube on one of the roots.
Goddess Chest #14

Reward: Silver Rupee (100)
Near the Knight's Academy in Skyloft is a drop-off ledge with a floating island beneath it. Jump and tilt the remote towards the island to make it to the chest. The chest contains a silver rupee.
Goddess Cube #15

Location: Faron Woods
After acquiring the Clawshots, a Clawshot target becomes available in the center of Faron Woods on one of the roots of the Great Tree. The Goddess Cube is located here. Alternatively, it is possible to jump to the same root from the top of the Great Tree. This method does not require the Clawshots.
Goddess Chest #15

Reward: Heart Piece
The chest for this particular Goddess Cube is found on an island between the pillars of light for Faron Woods and Lanayru Desert. Freefall in through the top of the island and use the Clawshots to access the chest. This chest contains a piece of heart.
Alternatively, it is possible to aim your freefall to land on the platform with the chest. This makes the chest accessible much earlier in the game.
Goddess Cube #16

Location: Lake Floria
When you get to the Bird Statue in Lake Floria, you can follow the path in this room around to find the cube. Alternatively, you can do a spin jump to land near it from the water.
Goddess Chest #16

Reward: Gold Rupee (300)
The chest is located on a floating island next to Skyloft. Travel to the island above the waterfall using the Clawshots. Then, jump off and freefall to the chest. The chest contains a gold rupee.
Goddess Cube #17

Location: Lanayru Desert
Upon receiving an updated map of Lanayru Desert, a bombable passageway is revealed in the top-right corner of the desert. Take the newly opened path and avoid the quicksand using your Clawshots. The Goddess Cube is located at the end of this path on a raised portion of the wall. Use the Clawshots to reach it.
Goddess Chest #17

Reward: Heart Medal
The chest is located on a small island near Beedle's Island. There is a small pond here that leads to an underwater tunnel. It contains a Heart Medal.
Goddess Cube #18

Location: Lanayru Desert
This cube is located on one of the raised walls in the center of Lanayru Desert. It requires the Clawshots to properly reach. Get as close as possible to the Goddess Cube, and a target should come into view. Upon climbing up, the Goddess Cube will be easily accessible.
Goddess Chest #18

Reward: Life Medal
The chest is located on a small island northwest of Fun Fun Island. Climb down the vines to reach the chest. It contains a Life Medal.
Goddess Cube #19

Location: Lanayru Sand Sea
Travel to the Clawshot target on the side of a large crate on the solid ground region of Lanayru Sand Sea. Enter the cave below to find the Goddess Cube.
Goddess Chest #19

Reward: Gold Rupee (300)
The chest is located in the Bazaar in Skyloft. It's right next to Gondo's Scrap Shop. It contains a gold rupee.
Goddess Cube #20

Location: Skipper's Retreat
The first zipline of Skipper's Retreat features a spot that the Clawshots can reach. Once you Clawshot the first pillar, go around it and do the same to the pillar next to it. There is a Goddess Cube at the top of this pillar. Use the zipline to exit Skipper's Retreat.
Goddess Chest #20

Reward: Potion Medal
The chest is located on a small island near Fun Fun Island. Use your Clawshots to reach the chest. It contains a Potion Medal. Use your Clawshots to escape the caged area.
Goddess Cube #21

Location: Pirate Stronghold
This Goddess Cube is accessible only upon gaining access to the Pirate Stronghold. There is a Clawshot target directly above the entrance. Ascend using more nearby Clawshot targets. The Goddess Cube is located at the top of the entrance.
Goddess Chest #21

Reward: Heart Piece
The chest is on a floating island above the water in Skyloft. Use your Clawshots to reach it. It contains a piece of heart.
Goddess Cube #22

Location: Volcano Summit
Near a small puddle of water at the end of the Volcano Summit, there is a precarious ledge facing into an open pit. Jump off this ledge and freefall behind the largest central pillar. The Goddess Cube is on a small platform just out of sight from the ledge. Use a combination of the vines and your Clawshots to get back to solid ground.
Goddess Chest #22

Reward: Heart Piece
The chest is found on Bug Island inside the Thunderhead. It contains a piece of heart.
Goddess Cube #23

Location: Volcano Summit
Directly facing the entrance to the Fire Sanctuary, take a left through the door. Then, run up the wall into the empty window frame. Use the Clawshots to ascend further, and after defeating the nearby lizalfos, the Goddess Cube is at the end of this path.
Goddess Chest #23

Reward: Small Bomb Bag
The chest for this goddess cube is found on the Isle of Songs in the Thunderhead. Freefalling on the top of the building on the Isle of Songs will reveal the chest. It contains a Small Bomb Bag.
Goddess Cube #24

Location: Deep Woods
To the side of Skyview Temple, there is a patch of vines that you can use your Clawshots on. The Goddess Cube is on the center of the roof of Skyview Temple.
Goddess Chest #24

Reward: Rupee Medal
The chest for this Goddess Cube is located on Beedle's Island. Either freefall into the house or sleep in the bed on Beedle's Ship until night. Then, once you are there, jump over to the house from the ship. This chest contains a Rupee Medal.
Goddess Cube #25

Location: Lake Floria
There is a ledge that you can reach using your Clawshots above the entrance to Lake Floria from Faron Woods. Ascend further to reach the Goddess Cube.
Goddess Chest #25

Reward: Gold Rupee (300)
The chest is located on a small island beneath Fun Fun Island. It contains a gold rupee.
Goddess Cube #26

Location: Volcano Summit
After entering the Volcano Summit, take a right until you reach the open pool of lava. The goddess cube is found on a rock in the center of the pool. This cube is inaccessible until the Fire Sanctuary is open, at which point there will be several floating platforms that will take you near enough to strike it. If you already have the final, true form of the Master Sword you can reach it with a skyward strike from the shore.
Goddess Chest #26

Reward: Empty Bottle
The chest is located on a small island in the Thunderhead storm. Burrow into the hole on the island and go to the top right area of the tunnel. Then, climb the vines to obtain the chest. It contains an empty bottle.
Goddess Cube #27

Location: Lanayru Gorge
After reaching Lanayru Gorge and speaking to the Thunder Dragon, take the path to the Dead Tree. Use the Gust Bellows to clear the sand pile covering up a Timeshift Stone. Strike the Timeshift Stone. The Goddess Cube is found on a lower level beneath the Dead Tree. In order to return, use the Hook Beetle to grab a bomb off a nearby cactus and drop it on the cart. Alternatively, preparing the Skyward Strike early and then jumping down to the Goddess Cube also works to activate it.
Goddess Chest #27

Reward: Small Quiver
The chest is located on a small island in the Thunderhead. Burrow into the dig spot located on the island and aim for the light. The chest contains a Small Quiver.
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