Home > Skyward Sword HD and Zelda Joy-Con are Coming to Switch in July

During the most recent Nintendo Direct, a remaster of Skyward Sword for Switch was announced. Skyward Sword HD will release for Switch on July 16, 2021. It features an updated HD resolution and 60 fps performance. In addition to the motion controls the game was built for with the Joy-Con, there will also be an option to use stick controls. No other new features are known at this time.

Alongside Skyward Sword HD, a set of special Skyward Sword themed Joy-Con will also be released on July 16. They are royal blue and feature a number of Zelda and Skyward Sword related emblems. Controversially, this remaster will retail for the usual $59.99, despite being only $49.99 upon release on the Wii ten years ago. The Joy-Con will retail for $79.99.
You can check out the full Skyward Sword HD announcement trailer below. Stay tuned for more information during this year's 35th Zelda Anniversary and as we approach the release of this game.