Home > Skyward Sword - Skyview Temple Impressions

Spoilers: You may of seen that we received our review copy of Skyward Sword recently and have been steady playing through it in order to bring you full guides to help you with accomplishing the chore of 'finding everything' and overcoming enemies -- Empty Bottles, Bosses, Items, Gear, Item Upgrade, Goddess Cubes -- but enough about the behind the scenes, let's get down to business – the Skyview Temple. The first challenge you must overcome will be the journey to the temple itself as the game constantly throws you curve balls and points you in new directions before you get to accomplish the original goals.

Before you go into the temple, you must save an entire squad of Kikwi's – well, you have to find them more so then save them. Once this has been accomplish, the treacherous journey through the Skyview Temple begins with Link becoming bombarded with giant Skulltula's and the webs they leave behind – not to mention a unique new type of enemy the likes of which have never been seen before in a Zelda game. Just 5 minutes into the temple and the player may get stuck, which is an awesome sign of good things to come.

Skyview Temple is riddled with new kinds of puzzles such as using the new Beetle item in order to hit switches that are in places you would of otherwise never though something could be located. The Beetle really adds a unique spin to the temple, and game, which keeps the player intrigued and wanting more. Soon, you will come to more challenges that have not been seen, which really adds to the overall appeal of Skyward Sword -- all of the new puzzle types and challenges really entice a veteran player of the series and is something that all fans will be sure to enjoy.

The temple really has the right amount of difficulty behind it. The player is sure to feel challenges throughout the dungeon and this will help to keep them playing for hours on end. I know I found myself lost several times before realizing where to go or what to do next, so I am sure that others will feel the same way. The difficulty really intensifies near the end of the dungeon and preps the player for the start of an epic journey.

One last note about the Skyview Temple would be the boss, Lord Ghirahim. This fight is where the MotionPlus controls of the Wii will either shine or crash and burn because he can be pretty tough until you realize what to do to harm him. Overall, Skyward Sword's debut dungeon will leave a lasting impact on the player and help to build a strong understanding of the game's controls -- which can make the game a bit frustrating until you get use to them.
About the Author:
Austin Dickson
Austin Dickson has been around the Zelda fandom for years. He started Link's Hideaway as a small personal project, which later turned into something of which he never thought possible. He enjoys writing articles, guides, walkthroughs, and developing the different Concealed Gaming network sites.