The Wind Waker HD Wii U Bundle Sighted in Target Inventory System

Home > The Wind Waker HD Wii U Bundle Sighted in Target Inventory System

The Wind Waker HD Wii U Bundle Sight in Target Inventory System

A Target employee reported to Destructoid an image of the inventory tracking system where a bundle for The Wind Waker HD and the Wii U Deluxe 32 GB console were present as seen in the shot above. The Wind Waker HD Wii U bundle will retail for $349.99 and no launch date has been released or official word of the bundles existence. With The Wind Waker HD set for an October launch we can only assume it will be out near that date.

About the Author: Austin Dickson

Austin Dickson has been around the Zelda fandom for years. He started Link's Hideaway as a small personal project, which later turned into something of which he never thought possible. He enjoys writing articles, guides, walkthroughs, and developing the different Concealed Gaming network sites.

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