Eiji Aonuma Not Influenced by Previous Zelda Games Sales Figures

Home > Eiji Aonuma Not Influenced by Previous Zelda Games Sales Figures

Zelda Wii U

GenGAME was able to ask Eiji Aonuma questions during this years E3 and one was about if sales figures of previous games influence the type of Zelda games that are created. Eiji Aonuma said, "I don't look back" and that he "always wants to create something unique." Be sure to check out the full quotes after the break...

Mases Hagopian: Two years ago you showed the tech-demo for Zelda. It had more of a Twilight Princess look and Hyrule Warriors has somewhat carried that same design. Twilight Princess though was one of the most traditional games, but it was also one of the most successful games. Does a game's success, in terms of sales numbers, does that affect the type of Zelda game that you personally like to create?

Eiji Aonuma: I don't look back. (laughs)

I always want to create something unique, and the reason for that is not just because it makes for a more fun game experience once the game is completed, but as a creator it also makes things more interesting for my team and myself. Images and expressions and all of those things, in order to make those unique, we don't start with a plan that is set in stone from the beginning, it's definitely an evolution. We may have a basic concept in the beginning, but as we are working through those concepts, they are going to evolve, they are going to change. So that's how that particular tech demo you saw early on has evolved to what you saw in the trailer.


About the Author: Austin Dickson

Austin Dickson has been around the Zelda fandom for years. He started Link's Hideaway as a small personal project, which later turned into something of which he never thought possible. He enjoys writing articles, guides, walkthroughs, and developing the different Concealed Gaming network sites.

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